Thursday, June 28, 2012

One Day, 3 Inspirations

As you might notice, in the pictures below I'm wearing the same shirt.  I say that because I just can't relay to you exactly how much "human inspiration" I received that day if it weren't for these 3 pictures.

Let me explain.

 In this picture above, the two women next to me are just incredible.  I recently met Jenny (in the middle). She's here in Uganda adopting her 15th child (yes....15.) Her story is beyond wow....the way God wove together the events in her life. Let me give you a glimpse....she lived in Liberia, post-civil war, in a bombed-out, no electricity town just so she can adopt a sibling group.  She did it again. And again in Uganda. Adopting special needs children without batting an eyelash. And she did it with her "Venezuelan" flair ....Christ's joy just oooooooozzzzeeeesss from this woman. I love her and I've only just begun to know her.  Then there's Colleen, my house mate for a month.  I love how God can use humor as a starting point for a friendship. Before we lived together, I knew little about her. But through her emails, I quickly knew we'd get along.  She's your cool, older sister....hilarious, protective, encouraging, and just a tiny bit crazy.  Oh....and she lives out God's love with everyone.  She's met no stranger, and people flock to her like the 'salmon of Capistrano'.  She uses words like "lamesauce". Really. I love it when Christian women aren't afraid to use their mad vocabulary skills. Colleen, "Frowwr" loves you.

 In this picture above, my family is standing next to a pretty important Ugandan family.  The son, Ben, is a friend of our house mates....he's one cool Ugandan dude.  He took us to meet his parents. His dad was a Colonel in the Ugandan army and his mom is the Director of AWARE, an NGO she started twenty years ago that works with the Karamojo women, helping to educate them with life skills, HIV awareness, and child raising.  She has such passion for the Karamojong women. And it's no great coincidence that the Karamojong children are among the many at the prisons we are currently serving.  To be in their humble, happy home was a blessing.

Last but not least, here is my beautiful friend from home, Kasey. She is currently on her 2nd Visiting Orphans trip (we were on ours together last year).  I love this woman's heart. My family was able to meet with her for dinner IN AFRICA.  That still just blows my mind. Two friends, Africa, pizza at the local muzungu hot spot, and a conversation that consisted mostly of how God's been rockin' our world lately.  I'm proud to know her.

All in all, I must say that Africa has been a bit surprising. I thought I would come here and just pour out 'the love' on people.  And I'm doing that....but I also realize that more than ever, God's love is being poured out on me by simply watching His people be obedient.  That's kinda cool.


  1. There is a lot of loveliness in these pics!!! You are an inspiration yourself sweet Flo! You manifest Jesus beautifully. I really admire your teaching gift and your gentle spirit. YOU fill more than a room my friend, your goodness fills the BIG house!

  2. Amen to what Jenny said - she hit the nail on the head, yo!!!!!!!!! I am missing my Frowwllll too much!! If the three of us ladies had been together much longer, we'd have been unstoppable. :) I'm seriously thankful for my time there with you...we had the BEST roommates.

    I have to go wash towels now.
    Love you...
