Tuesday, June 12, 2012

"They can come here!"

I have two posts coming soon.  One will cover the topic of our meals in Uganda. They've ranged from the wonderful (Mama Catherine's Ugandan feast!)  to the gross unique "cheerios and chicken" served to my picky daughter tonight.  The second post will cover traffic.  Traffic. And Traffic.  Here in Kampala. 
U.S. morning rush hour ain't got nothing on this.....

This post simply covers the adaptability of children.

I asked Sophie the other night if she was ready to go back to our home in Texas. "No...." she replied.  "Well....do you miss Mimi  & Papaw?" I asked.  She smiled and said, "YES!....but can they come here?"

And there you go.  
We worry. I worry. We pray. I pray.  We wonder whether our children can handle the hard things we put before them. But they do. They just do.

A perfect example of this was our time at Mama Catherine's house this past Sunday. We worshiped at their church (Boog & Lucas were even able to impromptu preach at a service to field workers!), and while Mama was cookin' up  this monstrous feast, we waited.  In Africa, that's just part of it. You wait. Alot. You wait to eat. You wait to leave. You wait to go. You wait in traffic. It's just part of life here. Nothing is rushed.  Anyway, during the wait, my kids got busy.....seriously. Sophie had NO problem playing with her new friends.  And Grace had a great time eating mangoes and pomegranates that had fallen from the tree.

Trekking out in the fertile land....

 On our way to church
 Sophie making FAST friends!
 Digging in the Dirt.  Yes....I've resigned that my kids WILL be kids here.
I'm not putting a safety glove around their body!

I had an idea that they would do fine, but not THIS fine. They truly are having a blast (thanks in part to our house mates kiddos and the stairs in our house).  There's a part of me that wonders whether they "get it".  Do they "get" that although it's fun to play with new friends, do they see what is front of them....lifestyles that are different? Not better, not all worse, but just different.  

Whatever they do glean, I hope it'll impact their life story one day.


  1. Please keep the posts coming! I get more and more excited with each one! Also, please let me know if there's something you need or want or are craving! I'll be happy to bring what I can! :)

  2. Papa & Mimi do miss you all - these blogs and pictures really help....we receive a blessing just seeing what God is doing through you...tell Sophie we probably won't be coming over anytime soon; she and Grace do look happy, which really doesn't surprise me, they are two great girls, true gifts of God...God bless and be safe...We love you.... Mimi

  3. I love to read these! I am so rpoud of you guys and your sweet girls. I know that you are right in the middle of God's will and that IS the safest place to be. We love you and Madi and I can't wait to join you!

  4. Sounds like an extended family trip is needed for next year. ;)
    Missing you guys so much, but knowing why you're there makes it easier. Proud to be your friend.

    Remind me to tell you when you get back about our firework incident the last night (or should I say early morning) at youth camp. D:
