Sunday, June 17, 2012

A Visit to Amazima

So many people are now familiar with Katie Davis's story and her ministry, Amazima, in Jinja.  Her story, even now, convinces me that God uses any heart that is humble and willing, no matter what age, color, or gender.  This past weekend, we were able to attend the Saturday feeding program and get to know the organization a little more.  Katie sat down with us as her staff member, Brad, explained Amazima a little more in depth....which was good. The Sixty Feet team members there were encouraged by just hearing about the positive impact Amazima has made in their community.

We were able to stay for a dance-filled worship and bible lesson, and my kiddos got to play their hearts out with the 500+ primary kids that were there for the day.  This organization is a blessing to their community and just witnessing the hard-work behind it all is a testimony itself.

I have to admit, having my daughters hug Katie and attach a young, REAL face to a girl who is living out the gospel with her life.....I couldn't ask for a better young woman as an example.  I'm ready to get back in the states and begin reading her book (again!), but this time, reading it with  my daughter.   She knows now.

AMAZING behavior from these kiddos during worship and the lesson!

 Grace and Jane, rope session with the kids!
 What a blessing this sponsored feeding program is to thousands of children!

1 comment:

  1. So awesome miss you guys have a great day and stay safe keeping all of u in my prayers from Melisa Newell
