Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Bursts of energy! (thanks Boog!)

"I'm taking Grace with me."

.....those 5 words can be like caffeine. Not all the time, just some of the time. Moms.....come on. You know. That one or two hour time span that your hubby gives you alone with no kids (whether intentional or not) can be SO productive. I do believe there's been a time when I've cleaned my whole house, done all the laundry, re-organized my closet AND dusted my ceiling fans all within the two hour time span that Boog had taken Grace somewhere. Talk about making it count!

Anyway, this afternoon, Boog was heading out to Mimi & Papaw's and took Grace with him. That gave me a few hours after work to really get some things accomplished! What did I do with that rare alone time? I talked on the phone w/my sis discussing our next "Big Idea" , I blogged, I got a few items at the grocery store, and I cooked this great meal below: filet mignon, cooked corn (that's corn but adding butter & milk and let it boil out....gives it good flavor!), real mashed potatoes, and buttered sour dough bread. Can you say yummy to the tummy? Can I say 400 lbs? (Good thing I worked out this morning!) Oh yea, I swept the kitchen, too. All in a day's work!


  1. Yummy meal Flo..I'd of driven over to A for that one!! We need to meet for lunch soon. I want to catch up.

  2. Wow, yum! Wish I'd happened by your house for dinner too!
