Friday, February 22, 2008

Cancer. Pregnancy. Fundraising.

Those three words don't seem related at all......but that's been what my week has been about. Good things, sad things, bad things - the life stuff. I'll explain.

Cancer. My good friend's mom was told this week that her cancer had come back. This time, it was a rare form and the prognosis was not good. My friend is now having to take all of that in, still continue to work, and raise her family. It brings back all the memories of three years ago when my mom passed away from having a new baby, a new job, and a mother suffering from the trials this thing called cancer entails. What is cancer?? It makes me mad to be quite honest. It seems like this whole hear the word and the world stops. Who can really imagine a few cells gone awry turning into a life changing event? An enemy in your body. It's hard to find comfort in times like that.......I'm praying she does. You can't do anything but pray.

Pregnancy. Well, in my case, the lack of. I can't complain because I have one beautiful, healthy, vibrant little girl with whom I've expended 150% of my love on. But about a year ago, Boog & I were ready to have another one. Well, that was a year ago. This week we found out we'll continue to try next month. It's strange....God's strange sometimes. We might question His ways, but we always realize his PERFECT timing in hindsight. So I actually have a pretty decent attitude about it....I don't want to force God's hand......I want His perfect plan for me. So if that means I'll wait 10 years, I will. Or if that means I'll just have little Grace, that will be ok, too. Like I said, I realize that I've been blessed beyond measure already, so it's hard for me to complain.

Fundraising. This year, Boog & I were excited to host a table at our Athens' Young Life Banquet. Many of our friends from church attended and we had a great night with good food, good testimonies from youth, and some amazing singing! It was a good night. The hilarious part came at the end. We gave my neice, Madi, a chance to start her baby-sitting career....she baby-sat Grace and Sterling for about 2 hours. Well, she far surpassed our expectations because when we got home, they were bathed and in bed and the house wasn't destroyed! Amazing!! Madi, you've got a great career ahead of you! But........we didn't have any boy clothes, so she had to put Sterling in this......


  1. Love you, and thanks so much!!!

  2. I'm praying for you in all of this. I have another friend who is facing the challenge of trying to have a baby...I'm praying for her daily, so I will add you to my prayer list. I trust that God's timing is perfect for your family. I KNOW that knowing that truth doesn't always make the journey easy though.

  3. I too will start praying about this for you and Boog...he he..that feels funny for me to type since I've only been around him a few times!! I will also keep your friend and her family in my prayers. I agree with you Cancer affects so many families. Don't you think one day someone with find a cure for it? I hope so!!

  4. I don't comment here, but I read regularly. I just wanted to tell you I'll be praying for you and Boog. It took David and I four years to get pregnant with Madge. Nine rounds of fertility drugs, all that good stuff. We were actually talking adoption when we found out we were pregnant with her Madgesty. It's such a hard thing to go through, but you have such a good attitude and a strong faith that God has the perfect plan for your life. In my case, I could hold on to knowing that it was one specific egg in there waiting to make her, and I think God daily that it was Madge :) If you ever need to chat, feel free to drop me an email.
