Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Relaxin'....country style.

Boo, Grace and the metal donkey

While on my Spring Break, we are also house sitting for my in-laws, which proves to be more of a vacation for me than a favor for them. For some reason, everytime I drive out to their house....it feels like I've entered a different world. There is absolute silence......no cars, traffic noise, no anything......the magnificent view from the top of their hill.....the fact that she always has tons of new magazines for me to read and comfy chairs to read them in.......and a great iron clawfoot tub with tons of "spa stuff" to use.......it's almost like going off to a retreat!

Grace, the jockey

.......I remember when we used to live in Dallas, I loved topping the hill on I-175 and seeing the skyline. But slowly, as we would come back from visiting Boog's folks, instead of seeing the skyline, I only saw the "orange air" as I call it....and the traffic....and the stress. That's when I knew it was time to get back to the country.

I'll leave you with this chocolate cake Grace & I made together while we were house sitting. A little flour and sugar (ok, a lot of sugar!) and the time to do it.....I need more weeks like this!


  1. Ooooh sounds fabulous. I feel the same way when I'm spending time at my parents. Choc cake looks yummy.
    Bryan and I would love to double date with you guys some weekend. I forgot to leave a reply when you posted about it.

  2. Yum--could you mail me a piece of that cake!? :)

    Looks relaxing. I'm the same way when I go to my parents' house--it's like the "city" doesn't even exist when I'm there. I love not being able to see another house from their yard...only the trees and fields and the fog rising off of the river in the distance. There is a big part of me that would love to have that country life again--especially for my kids. And I'd like to have a garden. :)
