Saturday, March 15, 2008

On the road to Aggieland...and back.

What a beautiful thing!

The Fam (plus Bitty)

So Spring Break Road Trip 2008 "Family-Style" began.......and ended.......with a 'lil Aggie baseball. I really would say that,to me, that was all this trip was about. Not visiting old college hangouts, not eating at our favorite places (although that did happen), and really not even about quality conversation with my family....because for the most part, all we ever said was, "Do you need a drink?" or "I need some water" or "What do you want to eat?".

I mean, how much can you really talk about when there's so much to entertain you? The beauty of a glorious, warm, sunny day.......the hilarious "Aggie Raggies" that practically made every Texas Tech pitcher cry as they walked off the mound with their head hung low ( sorry, H. we whipped up on your boys pretty good!).....or better yet, just having the time to watch a game and not feel hurried or stressed about all there is to do. It was really great.

Here's some pics of a few things we did...and ate. Yeah, eating is always a big part of visiting Aggieland. The choice between Layne's Chicken, Wings'N'More, Freebirds, Mi Cocina.... Freebirds won out.

Grace's First Ordering Experience at Freebirds

The Green Monster

Grace, for the most part, enjoyed her time at the ballpark. Although, if she'd of had her druthers, she would have stayed in our hotel room 24/7 to jump on the beds, twirl in the chair, and eat their continental breakfast.

Grace, enjoying herself in the hotel
All in all, it was a quick trip but as I told Boog, "my shoulders already feel less tense." (I should have thrown in a massage while I was there!) It was a quiet trip really. Not alot of craziness......really low key......nice......simple......just right.

My little baseball buddy


  1. What a fun trip! That last pic of Grace in her cap is just adorable! Glad you had a relaxing time.

  2. Looks like yall had a great time! I'm doing pretty good, MD Anderson said they would see mom back on April 2nd to tell her the results and to tell her what treatment they think will best suit her. If something is life threating now they will call her back this week. So we are hoping we don't hear from them! So still just a waiting situation. Enjoy your week off! And don't brag to much about it seeing that I'm still having to work...haha! Love Ya

  3. Aren't weekend getaways the best?? I must admit that I hate the RR's made a poor showing of themselves!! Can't wait to take Brooksie to ballgames. Looks like you all had a blast. Did we eat at Freebird when I came to see you and Holly?
