Thursday, March 13, 2008

Yahooooo!! Spring Breaky!

(some of) My kids.....singing!
Yahooooo! Spring Break! I'm so excited! Can't you tell? No, really. So excited. Super. Elated! I'm so needing this break. I'm actually already mentally gone. I'm just thankful tomorrow is early release so that I don't damage the children too much!

I did have one more teacher duty to perform....Grace & I went to watch my current and former students perform in the "This is America" musical. It was really amazing watching one of my students from last year, who gave me early gray hairs, actually have a speaking part and shine like he did....good ol' Mikey. Love him!

My "to do" list for the break is already growing long....Spring Cleaning, Spring Yard Work, Spring Tanning, Spring work out! Please, help a pale girl out! But before all that, the fam & I are headed to Aggieland to catch a Friday & Saturday baseball game. It will be Grace's first Aggie baseball experience........sweet!

Hope you all have a great week next week, too!


  1. Have a WONDERFUL, relaxing Spring Break!!! Hoping for good weather for you all week!

  2. I hope you have such a great/relaxing week and have so much fun in CS at the ballgames.
