Sunday, May 4, 2008

Double Post Day....but happy 6 years to US.

Today is the day that six years ago Boog & I became "US".

6 years.... actually it's been a little over 8 that we've known each other. We met after Bonfire fell in Aggieland.... My roommate's boyfriend (now her husband) was on the top stack when it fell and, thankfully, he survived. Broken bones and all, he came to stay in our duplex for the next few weeks to mend....all the while, not a night went by that we didn't come home from classes to find 10-20 buddies of his, at his side, willing to do whatever he needed or just provide a good laugh. Boog was one of those guys. He was there quite often....
and he was cute....really cute.

I was warned once or twice to not get involved, he had a little bit of a reputation. However, God has a way of preparing two people for their future.....I had not dated anyone seriously in college, and he had dated everyone, but none here we were. He took the first step and asked me out on a date over Christmas break. Nothing serious. Later,we took a big group ski trip to see a mutual friend in Colorado, great conversations ensued, but again...nothing serious. We even hung out on the Millenium New Year's Eve.....still nothing serious. It took a while for me to trust that he had indeed overcome that reputation of his....but he had. He was ready...wait scratch that....we were ready.

It's really been a wonderful six years together, and I'm so thankful God wove our little paths toward each other the way He left no room for guessing - Boog was the one. He keeps life exciting....I love his frizzy hair in the morning...I love that he says prayers with Grace each & every night, even if he has to wake her up sometimes....I love his brown eyes....I love that he laughs hard, I mean really hard.....I love that I just know if he ever gets into a fight, he'll be the winner .....I love that he does things the right way, no matter how much extra effort it requires......I love it that he doesn't mind girly movies....and I love that he is exactly the kind of guy I hope Grace marries one day. We are not perfect, but we're pretty darn perfectly put together!


  1. How sweet was that! Hope you guys have many more years to come!

  2. Happy 6 was neat to hear your story. I didn't realize that your anniv. and Grace's b-day were so close together.

  3. Happy Anniversary!!!!
    Your story is sweet!!!!!

  4. Man! 6 years...are you serious? Who's that guy you're talking about anyway (I have no idea what "reputation" you're talking about, I'm a youth minister for crying out loud)?:) Anyway, Florence in 6 years I've learned a couple things about you as well: You are absolutely the most beautiful woman in the room in any place I've ever been...period. You have a wisdom that, although seldomly applied to road sign observation or cell phone stewardship, is constantly needed in our home and continually displayed through your insigt, fast and frugal reasoning, and "get to the heart of the matter" counseling. I really knew nothing about you when I first met you other than you could cook and you were (and still are) smokin' hot. You are extremely patient which I learned fairly early on when you realized that when I said that i couldn't dance i meant i couldn't dance...but that didn't stop you from teaching me one sore toe at a time. You are an amazing athlete, a quick wit, and incredibly modest for someone with so many God-given talents. You're confident enough to stand your ground in any discussion, but thankfully, not someone who likes to argue. You are an amazing...amazing mom, that i know too well, not that that's suprising because you pretty much rock at everything you do, and always have. Thankyou for your very kind words and I do take issue with one of them (the only fight I never win is against your bloodletting, scar inflicting cat-claws that come out anytime I absent-mindedly think I can wrestle you..i.e. forehead-spring-2000). I love you!
