Sunday, May 4, 2008

My little girl is FOUR!

Dora cake for a Dora party!

Grace woke up really excited because she understood exactly what was happening - her birthday party was that day! She was ready for the cake, the singing, the presents, the friends...and it was a beautiful day to have a backyard birthday party!
Hot Dog Daddy!

Grace's gift - a trampoline...let the broken bones begin!

The backyard crowd

Cake time!

Grace's favorite part

Sweet friends

Love my little girl!


  1. Happy birthday, pretty Grace!!! My girls are DYING for a trampoline, but we don't have room in our back yard with all of the OTHER stuff there! That's on the top of our list for the new place, though ;)

  2. Happy Birthday to a beautiful little girl!

    What a fun outdoor party...y'all have such a great back yard. May seems like a good month to have a birthday because of the outdoor party option.

  3. She is so cute!!! What a fun party! It's fun to have a spring/summer birthday!

  4. Happy Birthday Grace...we hope you had a super fun day!! Brooks wants to meet you sometime soon.

  5. Happy Birthday from all of us, Grace!
