Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Beautiful Moments....

If this trip has highlighted anything to me, it's been this: Little girls and their daddies are precious.

Boog & Grace have had the whole week to bond over "outdoorsy" stuff.....biking, swimming, boogie boarding, you name it. And he loves it just as much as she does.... he takes so much time with her to make sure that she is a) enjoying whatever it is that she is doing and b) learning while doing it.

I have to say...these are just about some of my most favorite pictures of the two of them. They are in their element.


  1. I was just flipping through the blogs, while editing my own, and came across your beach pictures. I thought they looked very familiar, and I just thought it was funny that you just vacationed where we live. I hope you had a great time, and your blog is beautiful.

  2. It really looks like you are having so much fun..I love all of the pics. Have a safe trip home.

  3. These are wonderful pictures of the two of them together. Sweet memories!
