Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Beauty & the Beach

Grace loves the ocean. She's braver than me, I tell ya.....and she also doesn't mind the salt water. Her favorite thing to do is get daddy to take her farther out to the "Big Waves!". Me? I love riding around the resort and looking at the homes. This one below? It would have the price tag of around 1.4 million. That's right.......can I get one, please? There doesn't seem to be a recession here! But all around this resort are homes of this size and about 5 times this size. My favorite thing about them all? They all have screened in porches (no mosquitoes!!!)

But we ALL agree that our favorite thing to do is ride the bikes everywhere. It's safe because the speed limit for cars around this place is 17 mph (no joke), so even the little ones are safe. Of course, they are strapped in the back safe with Boog as the chaffeur. What a life!

Last night, we went to see an outdoor "snake show". It wasn't too impressive, but the girls loved hearing the rattling and hissing. Today's agenda? You got it. More beach!

1 comment:

  1. You, Grace, and the others look so cute and look like your having fun!
    See you next week! Madalynne
