Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Dog For Sale! (warning, lots of poop usage)

Yes, I'm talking about this guy....

OK, dog lovers. This post is not for you. This post is a venting machine about how much I'd love to sell/give away/(accidentally lose) our dog.....yes, I'm talking about the cute little thing that 20 posts ago was a "puppy breath cutie pie". This puppy has now grown into a full blown teenager and well.....he needs to go.

Maybe it's the fact that Boog is gone to youth camp for the week, and I'm now having to take care of all the "doggy duties" including 1) cleaning his monstrous poop out of our yard 2) cleaning his monstrous poop out of his kennel or 3) cleaning his hair off of the bottom of my flip flops simply because I decided to step out into my backyard.

Oh my backyard....let me dive into that one! It used to be a sanctuary! Beautiful grass...large wide play It's one big poop yard. Even if we've cleaned the poop up, it still smells like the faint odor of remnant poop. And everytime the dog decides to kills the grass. So our once evergreen lawn is now splotchy and looks sickly.

What's a girl to do? I'm not a dog hater....I promise. In fact, our last dog was loved with all my heart.....I don't know what the difference is this time. All I know is, he licks too daughter doesn't like to be outside when he's out.....and he's afraid of water. Who ever heard of a lab afraid of the water? I don't know.....but Calgon, or the pound, needs to come and take me or it away!


  1. You are to funny...try cleaning out four dog pens. Well I have to say the boys do most of it. I will bring them over and let them clean your dog pen out to..haha!

  2. I'm so sorry the dog isn't working out well for you guys. We have a small, inside dog that doesn't shed so I think he's probably a lot easier.

  3. I'm so sorry that precious little one is being a pill. We have a small dog that doesn't shed much too and we love him to pieces. I would HATE big dog poop too!!

  4. now you know exactly how we feel about Sully.

  5. What a fun post to read! Now you know why we got rid of our lovely lab before we moved!:0
