Wednesday, June 18, 2008

It's Official.....We Have a Baby...

Doctor confirmation - check.
Sonogram pictures - check.
Pregnancy due date - check. (January 30th!)
Heartbeat - check....or as the doc called it "the flicker"
Weight gain - check....two pounds already. (Did I say I was eating for two now?)
Miscarriage worry - check.
Tummy bulge - check. (it's true...the second one bulges a bit faster!)
.........let's see..........
7 weeks and 3 days today.
No morning sickness to speak of yet.......

Still mad at my dog. I think he killed some baby birds today......
forget "For Sale". He's "For Free."


  1. I am so excited for you!! I can't wait to meet the newest little one.

  2. January 23rd is a good day, so maybe Baby Ferrell could come a week early. It's also easy to remember- 01-23.

  3. Yay! Congrats on the great appointment :)

  4. I'm hoping for a 2-2-09 birthday!! So glad you had a good apt.

  5. I so badly wanted to tell you when you announced that we are pregnant together!! YEAY for january babies!!! SO FUN!
