Friday, June 20, 2008

My First Award!

My sweet blogger friend, Jamie, has just given me my first bloggy award! Jamie is probably the best blogger out there...she always has new posts and always is doing something creative with her children. Very inspiring! Seriously, I don't know how I "Make Anyone's Day" but the sheer fact that some people get a chuckle or two off of my mishaps and dog-loathing blogs, then all is well in my world!

Actually, all is well in my world if my kids and husband are home and healthy.......home, preferrably right now. I'm missing my hubby.....we've been away from each other for two weeks (my GA Camp, now his Youth Camp). I'm ready for him to be back! Sure the messes will come back with him (he tends to make these little "piles" of tiny bits and pieces paper, letters, cards, notes to himself, etc. all over the place) and the hectic scheduling will come back (he likes to stay busy...thus we stay busy) and the dinner menu will actually have to be cooked on the stove (Grace & I, alone, can manage on Mr. Chef Boyardee and some cheese & fruit and we are happy campers!). But, alas, I still want him home....even with all that comes back with him! : )

So now.......I give back to the bloggy world that has given to me. I'll dish out my own "Make My Day" Award. They go to.....drum roll please......

My sister, Angela. Yes, I might be partial here, but she's the one who got me started blogging and well, I just love her posts. We share a love of sarcasm...hers a bit more than mine...but she is always cracking me up with her posts or pictures of her beautiful, but precocious, little girls.

My college roommate, email buddy, forever friend Stephanie. She's a new blogger and has "Made My Day" by simply starting her blog.....that way I can get to see her precious little girl grow up. It took some convincing for her to start blogging, but by golly, I think she has it down!
Those are just two of the many blogs that "Make My Day"......

Have a great day!


  1. Congrats on your first blogging award!!! ; ) And thanks for talking me into blogging.....I really like it and it's a great place to let all your friends know what is going on in your own little world!!

    BTW, love your new background.....too cute!!

    Love ya!!

  2. Awwwww shucks.....I don't know what to say. I'd like to thank the Academy for giving me this award.

    Oh, wait....sorry, wrong award.

    Thanks anyway sis.

  3. Ok, obviously my mind is somewhere else today.....I just realize that you just gave me my first blogging award too!!! Wow.....THANKS FLO!!!

    I can't help it I'm slow, alright!?!?! LOL.

  4. I'm sure it won't be your first! I love to read your blog.
