Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Ode to my Sista....who's 33 today!

My sis is thirty three

Which makes her two years older than me

She's a crafty 'lil gal and quite a pal

And a crazy momma of three

She's sick in bed today

And her back's decided to give away

But she's no quitter.....can get through anything that hits 'er

So Cody, for her birthday, would you please hire her a sitter?

Wow...that's really bad! SO glad I'm not a professional poet. But anyway....
Happy Birthday Dear Ang!!!


  1. That attempt at a limerick was enough to make me smile and forget about my pain---even for a moment!

    Thanks for thinking of me.....and for the pj's which I'm wearing like crazy!!

  2. When is your due date? I'm putting you on a special link list!
