Thursday, June 26, 2008

Wish I Had Been There....

Fresno State Bulldogs, College World Series Champions
I don't know if you remember it, but one of my "dream vacations" many blogs ago was to drive an RV alllllllllll the way up to Omaha, Nebraska, and watch the entire 2 weeks of the College World Series. Seriously. Hot dogs, baseball caps, sun...the whole nine yards. That would be.....a dream.

However, seeing that Grace right now isn't neccessarily up for non-stop baseball , I had to settle for watching it on the good 'ol television. And Fresno State offered up one of the best championships games there could be.........

I don't know why I have that dream. It could be that back when I was a Diamond Darling at Aggieland, we were able to fly up there with the team when they went to the College World Series. However, our performance was pretty poor and we were eliminated as quick as you can say 'hot dog'.....thus, we were sent back home. Getting a taste of that laid-back gloriousness is rather disappointing!

So Rosenblatt Stadium.....I'll be there one day with you. Hecklin' the pitchers....spitting out sunflower seeds....I promise. Until then......ESPN it is.


  1. A baby boy that shares your love of baseball might be just the perfect excuse to make this dream come true someday soon!? :)

  2. I'm with J..I think the Ferrell fam needs something tiny wrapped in blue!! You would be a perfect boy mommy.
