Friday, June 27, 2008

OK Mommas....ever heard of this?

Apparently, it's the "hip" thing to have amongst the Hollywooder-preggo moms.....they snap across your normal jeans and pants so you can wear them further into your pregnancy. See a demonstration here.

What do you think?? To order or not to order....THAT is my question.


  1. Had one when I was pregnant. I did not care for it. It was very uncomfortable. However, this particular brand might be better.

  2. I used a hair rubber band looped through the button hole then around the button and a shirt long enough to cover that part of my jeans/pants. But if you could wear the b-buckle w/o worrying about hiding it then go for it. One thing to consider is how long could you get away w/ wearing it before needing to wear maternity pants?

  3. I used a bella band.....I think that is what they are called. I actually had neutral color and one black, and I wore the dog out of them. They were super comfy. I don't remember how much I paid for them though. You could borrow them if you want!!

  4. I can't even fit into my regular jeans - band or not. I may have to get maternity jeans REALLY early. ha!

  5. I've heard of them, but didn't use one. I did the rubber band looped through until I couldn't stand it any longer!!
