Sunday, June 29, 2008

VBS.....and The Hormonal Momma

Grace Gettin' Her Groove On!

Grace's first VBS. One of many to come, I hope. There are so many wonderful people who volunteered to teach, decorate, feed, and guide all the kids throughout the week. Me? I volunteered for "registration" .......(a.k.a. the "cush" job). But Grace, like I said, loved it.......I'm still singing all the songs!

She also loved the waterslide at the end of the week.....

On a side note, my hormones have been a ragin' lately.....or rather, not raging, but more standing still on the bottom part of the "Pregnancy Roller Coaster". You know, ladies.....those hormones that make you snap at your hubby just because he's standing there watching TV with you.......those kind. So say a prayer for Boog.....he's suffering through it like a champ. He's probably wishing I would just have the whole morning sickness thing and throw up all those hormones! I'm ready to be "Flo" again! But alas, the things we go through for God's creation! : ) I'm trying to enjoy it - really. Can't you tell?

And on a larger note, I'm really excited about a new women's bible study my church is having. It's Angela Thomas's "Beautiful Offering". I desperately feel the need to dive deep into God's word, and I'm not really feeling that I've been offering anything beautiful the timing is perfect. Keep us in your prayers because this is the first study that our church has done in a while, and we're looking to connect throughout generations.

Hope you had a great weekend!


  1. Go Grace, go Grace!!! ; ) Too cute....looks like she had a blast!!

    Poor Boog.....I'm sure he understands. He is a pretty forgiving person! Ha!!

  2. Hey Flo,It's cus Jennifer. You will love this study (I did) It took me a while to get past the first couple of videos but WOW by the end of the study. She really gave me the importance of a "quiet" place all my own with God. I hope it touches your heart. BTW congrats on yor little one enjoy!!!The 2nd goes by even faster. Hope to see ya'll soon!
