Saturday, August 9, 2008

Doin' the Decoupage!

Decoupage Designers!

For any male readers out there, it's pronounced "deh-coo-pazsh", or rather, a bunch of liquified glue plastering down whatever you can get a hold this case, scrapbook paper and a $.97 clipboard.

Grace & I worked on our masterpieces and quickly found out that although we don't have a calling in clipboard design, we do have a calling in just enjoying a little craftiness! Which is all that matters, right?
BTW....Boog is back home, safe and sound....with only a few stories to tell (wink, wink!). I'll let him share those on his on blog!

Bible Journey: Genesis 23:20 - 25:1


  1. Tell Grace I love her clipboard. That must of been the one she was telling me about last night!

  2. Cute clipboards.....ya'll did better than I could have done!! ; ) So glad Boog made it back safe and sound.

  3. Great job!

    Can't wait to hear about Boog's trip.

  4. Cute!! I can't believe this is our last week. Where did you find the $.97 clip board...I need a few for my room!:)

  5. Are you going to use the clipboard at school? I will love getting to do art projects with Brooks someday soon!!
