Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Making the Most of It!

Got up, looked on the weather forecast and saw that it said "high of 88 today". 88??!!?? Got on the phone to my non-acquaintance Keri, who just woke up...."Want to go to the zoo today?"....."Sure!" she replied, always willing for an adventure. A few more calls and by 11:00 a.m., 4 mommies, 2 babies, 4 toddlers, 1 kid, and 2 pre-teens are loaded into 2 suburbans with lunches packed, ready to spend the day in Tyler.

Gold medal for the Olympian mommies!! World record time!

We had a blast at the zoo and quickly realized that the 88 degrees turned into the 90's, but it was still overcast and a great day for an outing. Whether it was looking at the "Cheetos" ....or being asked incredulously by two teenagers, "Are all of these ya'lls kids???" it's always fun to share a day with friends. I thank the Lord for friendships made.....friendships sustained.....and friends who are willing to be flexible and fun! Thanks ladies!

Lunch time!

(Part of) the Crew!

Goat Glamourtime!

Jenna & her boys

Of course the baby had to come!

Bible Journey: Genesis 25:1 -Gen 27:1


  1. How fun!! It's too hot still for the zoo here, but Madge just saw these pics and wanted to know where YOU lived so we could go to THAT zoo, LOL!!!

  2. Whether it's a trip to the zoo or just hanging out at someone's house together, I mostly enjoy just being with such good friends. Thanks for a great day!

  3. It was really fun! I am so thankful for all of ya'll...thanks for always listening to my ramblings :) I agree with Keri...the good company is what makes it so fun!

  4. Looks like fun!! I can't wait to find out if the newest member of your family is a HE or a SHE!

  5. Y'all stink!!! If only I could drop everything and go to the zoo. Shame on you for bragging about that...haha! Looks like y'all had a great time.

  6. Looks like a great day! We enjoyed visiting the Tyler zoo with Heather back in February--it's such a neat place! We hope to go back!

  7. So much fun..we can't wait to hang out with you and Grace tomorrow!!
