Monday, March 16, 2009

Following in Our Footsteps.....

A while ago, I wrote a blog about how my sister and I are best friends, but basically, our genes were split right down the middle. I got one side, she got the other....we're chocolate and vanilla at almost everything! Well, already, I'm noticing that trend continue with Grace and her little sister! They are total opposites so far........

1) Grace was a very scheduled baby. At 6 weeks, she was already in a good little sleeping pattern and regular naps. Sophie? I'm clueless. No pattern whatsoever, Goose. She goes to bed at 7:30 on night and 12:00 the next! *Help!*

2) Grace would wake up at every peep we made. Sophie? I could drill a whole in the floor right next to her and she'd never know it.

3) Grace would eat a full meal at each nursing opportunity. Sophie? She'd rather snack for a few minutes, then wait 30 minutes, snack again, then wait 45 minutes, snack again, then wait an hour.......exhausting! : )

So if this trend continues, I'm thinking I'll have my hands full with an entire gammet of female hormones! BUT.....onto other stuff. I'm a creature of habit and lately, my habit has been to eat this every morning! I think it helps something in Sophie, too, because everytime I eat it, Sophie has a poopie diaper shortly after!
Granola, vanilla yogurt, and fruit...

And finally, Easter dresses! I caved and bought matching ones! AND....I bought comfortable ones. I'm SUCH a comfort girl with my daughters. I'd rather Grace be in cotton shorts and a t-shirt than bows and dresses. So for Easter, I found cotton dresses so they don't have to be sitting in church all..... stuffy.

On a whole other note, pray for me please. Ever since Sophie's been born, and living out here with my in-laws, and building, etc. etc. etc......I've lost my routine of being in the Word daily and having regular quiet time. Yesterday at church, I started to tear up (yes, me....tearing up!) because I just know that I haven't been doing what I should be doing, and I'm missing that time with God. My life's kind of amiss right now.......I'm ready to get things back in order!


  1. Hi there,

    That breakfast looks tempting, I think I might look up the points for that and try it for breakfast :) I agree with the "missing alone time with God" I have this awesome mentor and I asked commented to her about how I also was feeling guilty, and she said to me that God understands that we are in that child rearing stage and sometimes our time is consumed with our kids and home stuff and he knows that whatever time we give him, we do it wholehearted because we know that our time can sometimes be cut short. I starting to do morning devotions with the kiddos and when we pray once we started homeschooling and that has helped alot! Hope this helps and I'll pray that baby Sophie lets you sleep a little longer :)

  2. Flo:

    Okay, that photo of Sophie is HILARIOUS. That girl is f-a-t. And she needs a kiss from her Aunt Ang. Miss her!

    I LOVE the silver galvanized light fixture from Lowe's. $20? I'll take ten!! Do those come in copper???

  3. Thank you for checking on me at my blog. I am finally joining the land of the living. As you know, we're home and the delivery went well - not the way I'd planned, but well. And the spinal was uneventful - I was a little nervous after your epidural story!

    Cute dresses!

  4. Hi Flo! We'll be praying for you! I know it's so crazy trying to balance two little ones at the same time! Be so thankful you have family all around you to help you, though. :) Have a great day! Kim

  5. HI there - I just wanted to mention a book that saved my sanity even though I didn't read it until after my second baby was already 5 months old. It's called "The Baby Whisperer" by Tracy Hogg. It's not some crazy schedule-your-baby book (like the one I used with my first baby) but it has some really good advice. Just wanted to mention it!
