Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Little Lashes....

Sixteen Months Tomorrow...

Tonight I put you to bed, but you cried "momma!" in tears.
I couldn't stand it. I was tired. Ready to rest myself.
But I couldn't let you cry yourself to sleep. Not tonight.

I peeked in the door and you saw me.
Grinning big, you reached, I scooped,
and there we were rocking together ...again.
You put your blankey around your face ....the twinkle in your eyes, your innocent giggle, your sweet breath on my face....
it was all I could do to not eat you up!

Finally, you laid your head on my shoulder.
You bear hugged me with both arms.
And I could feel your little lashes on my chin
as you drifted off to sleep.

We love you, Sophie Girl. Sweet Dreams!


  1. Love it! I met a student of yours tonight...when I asked her who's class she was in she said...Mrs. Ferrell and then did a yoga pose! I thought it was so cute!:)

  2. Oh my goodness--soooo sweet! Beautiful photo of her!

  3. I could'nt have resisted either! That was adorable! It is just too much with the "peek in door" and there they are just waiting for you. Simply Priceless!:)

  4. Sweet girl. She is really squeezeable.
