Saturday, May 15, 2010

Splish Splash Birthday!

Swim Cake ( A little melted!)

I really do love planning Grace's birthday parties. I'm usually a bear the day before it because I'm so stressed out getting everything together.....but I really do enjoy helping Grace celebrate "her" day. I like to keep them simple and when she said she wanted a swimming party at Mimi & Papaw's house - I was all for it!

The Location - Mimi & Papaw's House
The Birthday Girl - 6 years old!

Blow, Blow, Blow!

It was cold, but not too cold for these fish!

Hot dogs.....


Sophie's First Swim of the Summer
My Grace was the first time I felt like the Grinch when his heart grew too big for his body. I never knew I could love something that much. Gracie, we love you!! Take a while before you turn 7 please!


  1. So glad she had a great day! Sorry we missed it! I sure hope they take a while before they turn 7...this is all going waaay too fast!

  2. That looks like a super fun party!!! Well done!

    And how CUTE is Sophie's little fish swimsuit! :)

  3. Super cute cake. Looks like a super fun party too. Takes me back a few years to swim parties when I was MUCH younger.
