Thursday, September 16, 2010

Mavis & Harriet = Fabulous Finds!

So....for a gal like me who wishes she had the time to wake up early Thursday, Friday mornings and go filter through all the estate sales of the weekend....finding the Mavis & Harriet blog was so fun! This sweet lady lives close by and does all the scaveging for me, and then sells her finds on her blog for super cheap!

Now, not everything is a keeper for me, but she does have interesting items come up every now and then that make me say, "Hmmmmm... how would that look in my (fill in the blank)" I haven't bought anything yet, but I have inquired. A chandelier that was too small it turned out. But pretty she was.

I told my husband the other night that I really long to purchase a junk piece of furniture and spend some time refinishing, repainting, glazing or something.....making it shine again. I refurbished an old side table of mine here a while back, and found it pretty cathartic. And I'd love to do it - soon.

Maybe one day I'll be the owner of "Boog and Flo's" full of restored/repainted furniture.

But Boog & Flo's sounds more like a diner, huh?
