Thursday, January 6, 2011

Before & Afters!!

Now who doesn't love a good before and after? I am not going to be the one to say "it was all worth it" because really..... I had some near melt downs during the process. But it is nice to be done with it. And showing before & afters are the most fun! It's not all decorated....haven't gotten around to hanging pictures....but it's up, functional, and pretty darn fabulous to me!

BEFORE: Kitchen - 70's hit hard.

AFTER: Kitchen - yea! Open shelvery love!

BEFORE: Fridge....huge and in the way

AFTER: Fridge Removal.... nice space!

BEFORE: Dark Living Area
AFTER: Lighter, Brighter, Removal of 70's Lighting!

BEFORE: Outside needs help

AFTER: A little paint & new roof does wonders!

Bathroom renovation up next.....sigh.


  1. Oh my gosh! I am very impressed. But I am also wondering where you put the fridge...

  2. It looks so good Flo! You have such a way of making your homes so beautiful and inviting...such a gift!
    I noticed these is a least 1 extra bar guys are such great parents and you make super cute kiddos...why stop at 2!;)

  3. : ) We moved a pantry in another wall and put our fridge in there. It made a huge difference - thank you!

  4. Looks great Flo!! I know you are so excited that it's done!! Well worth it!!

  5. Oh, I do love before and after shots! And these are amazing. You truly do have a gift for making things look so inviting! Good job--I know you must be so happy to have it done and have a functioning kitchen again.

  6. Wow! I am so impressed! THank you SOOO much for your help today...let's pray they want to buy our house!! I can't wait to see yours in person! I love it!
