Sunday, January 9, 2011

Snickerdoodles & Snow!

When you say those two words together, you know it's not a bad day. The girls sat and watched...or rather ate dough...while I made some snickerdoodle goodness.

So much fun to cook while watching them!

Trying to help out...

Then, the snow started falling. It didn't stick, but Sophie's first realization of "Snnoooowwww!" as she called it was fun to watch. She immediately wanted to eat it - on the ground - dirt and all.
Starting to fall in chucks!
Smiles from Sophers...

Trying to catch one ...

Very big snow ball....

It didn't stick or stay long, but it was fun while it lasted!
Thank you Lord for a sweet snickerdoodle snow day!


  1. I have been craving your Hash Recipe. Can you post it again? I know it's got about three ingredients, but I can't remember the details.

  2. Sure!
    Cut up one or two potatoes, a head of cabbage, onions (big chuncks), sausage (I use fatty Eckridge...fattier the better),carrots....pile all in a large skillet and put the cabbage on top. Let it cook down, stirring frequently to not burn anything. Serve with sweet cornbread. : )
