Thursday, July 14, 2011

Arles It Is & Thank You!

So....Arles it is! This piece really had "blue" written all over it....but my curiousity got me. I just had to know what Arles looked like in person.....

She's coming along.....almost done.

On another note, THANK YOU to Perfectly Imperfect for featuring my dresser in her furniture feature party!

I find it very funny that she's giving me kudos because it was this dresser below that gave me the "uuuh-mah-gahhh" moment.

The Dresser that Inspired Thousands
(photo courtesy of Perfectly Imperfect)

My hubby & I are headed off to Dallas for a summer retreat sans the kiddos! It's one week until I leave for Africa and when I get back, he'll be full-swing into coaching meaning....summer's almost over. Sadness.......


  1. Now I know I MUST get some Arles!
    Congrats on the feature. It was much deserved as your dresser was gorgeous! Deb

  2. Enjoy your night!! I am dreading the whole summer being over thing too. Why does it seem to go by so quickly!!

  3. I can't wait to see Arles! I've been very curious what kind of yellow it is...I hope y'all have a great time in Dallas! Please drink a Starbucks, walk around Anthro and eat the brisket tacos at Taco diner for me!

    Love, Brandy
