Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Kudos My Man!

So "Goin' with the Flo" might have to change it's name to "Goin' with the Boog & Flo". My man got a custom order to create benches for a client (client aka friend, client/friend....it's all the same.) : )

She needed 5 ft benches that are sturdy & strong. Well.....anyone that knows my hubs knows that "sturdy" is his middle name. (Not really...it's Mark. Which is what people actually would call him, if they didn't call him "Boog" - random - I digress.....)

Voila! Good thing she liked it because it was about to go in my booth....

Not bad, my dear!
His woodworking has been a nice complement to what I do.
Marriage & the perks, I guess!


  1. Hi! Flo, you both have a beautiful talent! And it is a Blessing to have him by your side! I love to see what's coming next?...good Job Boog!

  2. Hey Flo...I love your blog! I follow right along. I am also a BIG chalk paint fan and you will love (L.O.V.E) Duck Egg. It is one of my very favs! If you are ever in the Houston area please look me up! We have alot in common and I am sure we could do some serious damage thrifting together. BTW, I have a buffet obsession.....seems you may too. LOL
    Blessings Abundant!

    Oh, and I love the bench! I may show these pics to Mr. YBR so that he can make a copy. I need two!
