Sunday, May 20, 2012

So Yes. Two Weeks and Counting.

The LOVE tees

That's right. Now the time has come for all the "talks" of planning for Africa to get their "action"on. Moving your family to another country, especially a developing country, is a little challenging. If it were just me and Boog, we would grab our backpacks, mosquito spray, and passports and be gone......but adding in children, well, you have to account for a little more.

Uganda has been weighing heavily on our hearts these past few weeks. Lots of hurdles have been thrown in front of the Sixty Feet team, and most recently, the hardships in the remand centers have increased. I'd like to say I'm prepared to help, but in so many ways I'm not. It's like trying to get ready for a hurricane. You can be prepared, but Mother Nature tends to have her own plans.

So here we are. Two weeks out. We have a plane flight from Dallas to Dubai (never been there before!) overnight stay in Dubai will be followed by landing in Entebbe, Uganda. Our first steps into the red dirt and smelling the familiar, yet unusual air will be exhilerating for all. Our first objective will be to get our bearings in Kampala, for sure.

On a different note, I have to say thank you to all out there who have helped us get to this point. For two teachers, a trip like this would have been next to impossible if it weren't for such wonderful, generous friends (even strangers!). We created and sold LOVE tees (above) and while I had doubts that we would even sell 20....God surprised us by selling close to 200! We made close to $3,000 from sales and donations .....blown away for sure!

I, also, have not given up painting furniture. Client pieces like these below have also helped fund this mission

Overall, we've been overwhelmed by the words of support and donations.
We are waiting. We are ready. We will be flexible.

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