Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Storm Before the Calm

Things have been a bit too busy here for my liking. May came fast and May hit hard. End of the school year means every celebration under the sun. This past week, I don't think our family had a moment to spare....field days, field trips, graduations, school plays....and to top it off, we're at our busiest and we only have 1 week until we leave for Uganda. That's right. One week.....I'll get to that in a later post.

For now, let's focus on the busy fun.

Grace's 2nd Grade Field Day
Her Science Fair Project - a classification lesson on her pet turtle, Jimmy.
Look who won the cover art for her Primary Annual? That'd be Grace!
Trying on their "proper" skirts for Uganda -
lovingly made by one of my student's mom
It truly feels like the storm before the calm. I have a sneaky, sneaky feeling that all our busy-ness in the past month will be a direct contrast to the simple living we'll be navigating in Uganda.

Speaking of simple, we did have a chance to take a moment after a rainstorm and do some good, old-fashioned playing in the mud. Those times are nice....

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