Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Truth of It

I'm nervous.

There. That's the truth.

In 72 hours, my family will be boarding a plane for a 14-hour ride (across a large ocean) plus another 5 hour jaunt, and we will settle into a two month adventure that will be, to say the least, challenging and unfamiliar.  I've had to come to a place of acceptance with a lot of my concerns (I'm still not sure I'm really there). I've had to question, re-question, and evaluate my motives for going.  I've had to reassure myself that my prayers are to my BIG GOD who, as CS Lewis best says it, "Not to what I think thou art, but to what thou knowest thyself to be."

God gave us this opportunity a few months ago.  He propelled the emails, paperwork, funding....really....He designed 5 years ago for my husband to shift from real estate to ministry to teaching so that we could be in this moment right now (both of us with two months off, ready to go as a family.)  He had this from the start.

(So why do I worry?....ugh.)

All that to say, if you'd like to follow along on this journey of ours, please be on the lookout for my updated blogs.  I will be blogging, photogging, whatnogging....from across the world.  Please stay in prayer not only for our trip (general health, safety, etc.), but for the Sixty Feet team already on ground, and the many others who will be traveling to minister internationally this summer.  It takes a lot of guts to give up the familiar, even for a little while. 

My next post -------Kampala, Uganda.


  1. I think you are such a strong woman of faith & am soooo proud to call you my lifelong friend!! Daily thoughts & many prayers for the next two months. Love you dearly Flo!!!

  2. I've been thinking about y'all a lot lately and I'm so excited to see what God has in store for your family through this trip. I will definitely be praying for you guys- for peace, for travel mercies, and for the Spirit to be near. I can't imagine what a life changing trip this will be for your girls. They will never forget it!

    God has provided this awesome opportunity and faithfully provided everything to get you there and he is going to provide everything you need in Uganda!

  3. Praying for your family in the weeks ahead!

  4. I just found your blog through Colleen's blog and I'm so glad I did! I will pray for your family and cannot wait to hear about the amazing work you all will do in Uganda alongside the Sixty Feet staff. What an amazing journey of faith!!

  5. Thinking about you guys today and what this adventure holds for you all. I am living vicariously through you this summer!! Wondering where you are at in this world at this moment!!
