Wednesday, July 18, 2012


 Can you spot the monkey?? (Hint: It's not Grace!)

There's a bit of irony in this trip of ours.  We came thinking we'd be pouring out blessings all over Uganda, but actually, Uganda's been pouring out the blessings on us.  I feel like I've had a crash course in real relationships.  Not to say I don't have good relationships with people at home, but if I can write honestly, I would say that for many reasons that I don't understand, these people have to rely on each other in a way we don't.  There's no pretenses about it. They need each other to survive. 

That whole "it takes a village" really rings true here. 

 Pastor Boaz & his wife, Faith, are perfect examples.  It took me a few times of realizing that when Faith says, "I am so glad you are here.".....she actually means it.  It's not just some saying that is thrown around loosely to be "kind".  And Boaz.  Every time he sees you, he starts each day with, "Hello. How are you? How is your family?" And he's looking for real answers.  The simple way they want to earnestly talk to you, listen to your answers, and laugh with's heartwarming.

One thing my hubs and I have also been blessed to soak in is the spiritual wisdom from our friend, Jenny.  We stay up at nights and discuss marriage and parenting like nobody's business.  She's full of marital wisdom that has already changed the way we think about our marriage.  And her parenting advice (she has 15 children, including a 16 year old son that is AWESOME) hit home.  Practical, Christian advice in "the gritty  truth" kinda way.  I love it & am thankful for her.

Jenny, Faith, and me

This afternoon, we made time to attend fellowship and a bible study with Boaz & Faith at Kids of Africa, a Swiss children's home.  The grounds were beautiful and so were the children.  Grace & Sophie enjoyed playing with the kiddos on one of the best playgrounds I've seen in Uganda thus far.  

Sophie playing "Fire on the Mountain"
 Grace on the BIMBO....hehe


  1. Great update Flo! I know everytime I've been to Africa, it changes who I am when I am brought to the realities you shared, thanks!

    Give my beautiful wife and wonderful son a hug for me!!


  2. Great update Flo! I know everytime I've been to Africa, it changes who I am when I am brought to the realities you shared, thanks!

    Give my beautiful wife and wonderful son a hug for me!!


  3. Love hearing of the trip! Can't wait to hear more in person when you guys get back!!
