Saturday, July 14, 2012


I've never met a little girl like Esther. Someone who has so much favor with God that as soon as you meet her, you can't help but be filled with joy.  Esther is the newly adopted daughter of our friend, Jenny, here in Uganda.  Esther has special needs, and thanks to the intricately woven plan of our super creative God, Jenny never batted an eyelash to any of those needs. She simply knew that she was the momma to this little girl and will be taking her home in a few days. During those few days, they are our house mates.  

What a blessing they've been and it's only day one.

God's plan here was evident.  He equipped many people to specifically breathe truth and love into her life at times when she was the weakest.  I met a young man, Daniel, who for years, spent every weekend with her at the orphanage.....nurturing, caring, and singing praise songs to her when many people would have given up.  Also, the many volunteers who fell in love with her during their stay in Uganda.  And the plan was perfected when Jenny came into her life.

Watching Esther and listening to Jenny's stories of all the "firsts":  first time to sleep in a bed, discovering the joy of bath time, eating foods other than porridge.....Love. Simply love.

My own smitten girls wish that Esther could come home with us.  ; )  I reminded Grace that she already has a family....and that made me smile.  That prayer has been answered.


  1. What a PRAISE! Praying for this new family!

    Flo, once again your photos of Grace just brought tears to my eyes--God's pure love is just on her face so bright in every picture you take of her--wow! What a neat, neat family you have!

  2. Jenny is a blessing. I have had the honor of being friends with her for the last 12 years. Her journey into adoption opened my eyes to the plight of children first in Liberia and now in Uganda. Through her I found out about the wonderful ministry of 60 Feet, which i discovered is based near me. It took Jenny being on the other side of the world for me to discover a ministry in my back yard. How wonderful you are getting to enjoy sweet fellowship with her and Esther.


  3. Jenny is a blessing. I have had the honor of being friends with her for the last 12 years. Her journey into adoption opened my eyes to the plight of children first in Liberia and now in Uganda. Through her I found out about the wonderful ministry of 60 Feet, which i discovered is based near me. It took Jenny being on the other side of the world for me to discover a ministry in my back yard. How wonderful you are getting to enjoy sweet fellowship with her and Esther.

