Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Tesserah's Birthday

In Uganda, if you live in a "mzungu" house, you typically hire a night guard who keeps watch at the gate, and sometimes you even have a caretaker of the house and grounds. The house we are living in has both and, thankfully, that's allowed us to get to know some very special people.  Nicholas and Christine, the caretakers, work so hard to keep the house and grounds I speak, he's "slashing" the yard with a panga.  Makes you definitely think we Americans could drop our "riding lawnmowers" and possibly get fit in the process of slashing our yards!  

Tesserah, one of their children, turned 10 this past week.  She's been a sweet presence the entire time we've been here, so we thought it'd be nice to bake her a cake!  I'm going to be honest and say that it was a little unusual. The children showed up for the cake. Christine showed up. Then left. Then came back. Then the kids left.  Then finally.....the family came back and were ready to blow out the candles! ; )  Totally mystified by Ugandan communication for sure.....

We sang. She blew. She opened her present (with a little help....she did not want to open it right away.)

The Party!
 Grace & the birthday girl

On another note, we have less than 2 weeks left in this beautiful country. I'm beginning to get those mixed feelings....I want to leave, I don't want to leave.....and my husband is definitely feeling more of the "I want to stay" than I want to leave!  He's fallen in love with the sweet nature of the Ugandan people, their simple life, and the hard, but worthwhile work that is to be done here.  It's hard not to.

The other day, we loaned out our car to the Sixty Feet interns who were short a vehicle. That left us with a morning off! So....what to do in a foreign country when you don't have a car?  Well, walk of course!   We took a walk down to the market and the American Club for a morning of fun for the girls.  The walk was interesting as you realllllly have to watch out for the cars and bodas (they come awfully close!).  Also, we all took a boda back to the house.  My first boda experience!  Easiest way to travel here for sure....

 The Gorgeous View of Kampala!


  1. Aw! Happy birthday, sweet Tessera!! Please give her a big birthday hug from us...especially Jane! So cool that you threw her a birthday party. Only 10 days left. Ohmuword.

  2. I am so proud of you!! Your gifts of teaching and hospitality have been evident throughout this experience. The two of you work so well as a team and being the "helpmate" to each other. It was so inspiring. God will use your entire family in amazing ways as the days unfold, maybe in the US and maybe somewhere you've never even seen yet. One thing is for sure, you have all demonstrated His love in Uganda this summer. Love Love! Marci

  3. Yes and amen about your gifts of teaching and hospitality. You ROCK Flo!
