I'm a little late in posting this, but my baby....my BABY...turned 5 last month. In Uganda. No words at the coolness of that factor. I can see it now, Sophie in kindergarden, "So my birthday party last year had chameleons and turtles and a bouncy house....in January!" All the kids, "Yeah, sure...".
But it really did. In Texas, Sophie never really has had much of a birthday party sad to say. They've been mostly cakes (always cakes!) with family at our house because the weather is so stinkin' cold! Grace's birthday is in May, so she's had the full experience of outdoor parties, swimming parties, and what. (Threw in a little African lingo there...and what?) So for Sophie, we decided to do it up right.
Unfortunately, that's somewhat of an effort here in Uganda. Thankfully, THANKFULLY, our friend, Odong, "had a guy".....he always "has a guy" : )....that could rent us a bouncy house for not that much. And a few months back, I saved a flyer that I saw of a Ugandan lady who makes cakes - legit cakes. Hard to find here. So a few phonecalls, emails, and one interesting cake pick-up by my hubs (let's just say the cake maker's home wasn't in an easy to find location)....and voila! A unicorn theme party for Sophie!
But here's the rub. We've only been here 6 months...7 now, excuse me. We have lots of acquaintances, but really, there's just one family whose children my girls play with on a regular basis! It was a little sad for me, I don't know why, to just have one family come party with us....not at all like back home where the family and friends are around every corner. Thankfully, Sophie didn't care and had a great day - her day! She latched on the phrase, "The birthday girl gets to do it first!!"
This girl. She's spirited, imaginative, always cheerful....looks super sad/awful if you ever get onto her, so therefore makes it super hard to get on to her....most of her day she spends in a dream world where she is a cat, horse, unicorn, what have you with a red/white mane, red nose, and all kinds of details that only she can see.
We love this girl. Who's 5. In Africa.