Let's start with the happy.
My face has been
really happy for the past 3 months with this new product found at Wally-World for around $6 bucks. Allure Magazine gave it their "Best Product" award, so I tried it. I've been searching for a cleanser that would make my skin quit doing the teenagery thing of breaking out -
this has worked! 3 months now and I can't remember my last breakout. Good stuff!
the annoying.

Hollister -
ugh. I've never been in your store until today. And I'll never go back. My preggo brain left my sweet niece's birthday out in left field somewhere, so I ran out to the nearest mall to get a gift certificate to stick in the mail.
She's 13. She's entered the world of Hollister apparently, and that's what she wanted. Upon arriving, first off, I'm old now and I could barely hear the young cash register gal for sake of the loud music blaring. Second, I had two choices in gift cards. Option # 1 had two almost naked teens making out on the front......Option #2 had one almost naked man on the front, baring his waxed chest. Hmmmmmm......
which one should a 13 year old receive?
NONE. I chose the lesser of two evils (is there really such a thing?) - the almost naked man - and quickly called my sister so she could intercept the scathing gift card and just tell my niece how much Aunt Flo said she can spend. I should have said no to both and gotten out of that place. Shoulda, coulda, woulda..........
I'm kicking myself.And finally,

Little bit of background. Last year, almost one year exactly, we toyed with the idea of selling our sweet, little home. We were planning on trying for baby #2, and we needed something bigger.
Not huge, just bigger. A sweet elderly couple fell in love with our home, put a contract on it, and tried to sell their own house. Their house never sold, so our house never got sold. We stayed put, took our house off the market, and good thing we did, because it took us over a year to get this little bun in my rapidly growing oven. We didn't
need a bigger home at that time. (
Need is a funny word anyway, I don't need any size home. I would like a bigger closet, but I don't
need one!)
Fast forward to a week ago . We got a phone call. The sweet elderly couple
finally got a contract on their house. They're closing next Friday. NEXT Friday. They want to buy our house again, and want to close on ours NEXT Friday, too.
NEXT Friday. (Did I say that already?)
What do Boog & I do? We accept. We have a baby on the way, it's the holidays, but we we accept. Because? Now we sort of,
kind of, would like a home that fits this growing family.
Not huge, just bigger. God has His perfect plan, doesn't He? I'm a bit stressed, but we'll be packing up our things and heading to the in-laws for a while to figure out whether we build, buy, rent, shuffle along the street.....whatever. Pray for Boog & I to keep our sanity please!
Bible Journey: Leviticus 4:1- 5:1