I didn't know what else to title this post, except for what I really am feeling - this has been the longest week ever. I started back to work, but honestly? Once you get back into the routine of working, it almost feels like you never left. (Darn those summers off for making you believe you have left...if just for a moment.)
I know why. It's because I've never had to be this "on top of it". I've got a baby that I need to make sure has enough formula, food, diapers, extra change of clothes, and wipes everyday for her "school". I've got a kindergartner that I need to make sure has clothes picked out a night, lunch packed by morning, backpack ready WITH her red homework folder in it, shoes on, teeth brushed....all of that ready to leave the house by 7:20 am. I teach all day. Come home....play with the girls. Try to have somewhat of a dinner cooked for the family.....bath, bed....do it all over again the next day.
: ) I'm smiling though. (I really am!) Because everyday this week, I've had probably THE cutest kindergartner ever come bouncing over to me (she gets to walk over from her school to mine at the end of each day) with huge smiles and it reminds me just how precious she is. And everytime I read one of Kelly's Korner's "Please Pray" posts, I almost ball at each heart breaking story of sick children, tragic accidents, you name it. Immediately, I go into my sleeping girls' bedroom and lay my hand on each one, thank God for their health and just for the opportunity to get to do all those crazy, hairy, tiny-detailed things.........
Also, God has given me one thing this week that eases my mind a bit. He has blessed me with a great class this year.....truly great. The kids are darling. I've never had such an innocent group of 9 year olds. They hang onto my every word, and even if they are pretending, they pretend well. So this teaching year should be a good one.