Here it is. The last day in Uganda. A two month trip....done.
After all the planning and praying that we did to prepare for this trip, here I am on the last day thinking....what in the world was done? Uganda is just the same as the day we arrived. Beautiful & terrible. Corrupt & honest. Wealth & poverty (with more of the latter than the first). Christians & Muslim. The little ones we visited still have no undies and little food......I've had these thoughts several times along the way (usually as I'm doing some mundane chore like ironing). A good friend put it into perspective for me: "Don't measure yourself by man's standards. 'Getting things done' 'accomplishments', etc. are man's terms. Measure yourself by God's standards".
It was in those words I could breathe free. I could look through the lens of God and see the relationships developed, the sweetness of just being a friend, the hugs given, the menial tasks done that needed to be done.....and maybe, I dusted off my own self as well. As CS Lewis said in "Mere Christianity", perfect sunlight can be reflected better off a clean mirror, than a dirty one. My mirror definitely needed a bit of shining!
One thing I DO understand now is that the Ugandan people are living life just as we live ours. In the hardships, they glorify God. Some don't, but that's life in America, as well. The main difference between the two places, to me, is that in America we have 'opportunity'. We have a friend, family member,government or an organization that can help when we really need. many are on their own.
What do I think about coming back to the states? I'm excited to see my home. My family & friends. Most of all, I'm excited to go home and find ways in which I use what I've been blessed with to help the 'least of these' more. My sister moved into her gorgeous, new home while I was gone and said to me by phone, "I don't want you to come see it....after what you've seen!". No. That's the wrong way to think. Think about how God's blessed us, just as he did King David & Abraham, and use those gifts as a blessing to others. To keep it all to ourselves would glorify none.
So I leave you with some pictures of our time here.
Thanks for being part of the journey.
That Beautiful Face
Making Friends & Mudballs
Sophie, an Exceptional Friend Maker
My Favorite Teacher
They Loved "The Bearded, Tall Man"
Ice Cream - a Rare Delicacy
Dirty Feet & Bottoms - Always
Friends Building Their Home, Brick by Brick (at 200 shillings each!)
Boat Ride to ARM on Lake Victoria
The Beautiful Kids
The Nile....The Family.....