thinking about this story I had read earlier. It is from the St. Petersburg Times and is simply an amazing piece of journalism. It covers a horrible story of child neglect and simply put.....I could not get over how a mother (if you can call her mother) could ever, ever treat their child this way. Ever. What went so wrong in her life that made her hurt her own child in such a way? After I read it, I crawled into bed, next to Grace, (who has slept with me this week while Boog's been gone), and rubbed her back while she was peacefully sleeping......just being thankful for her.
I encourage you to take 15 minutes out of your day to read this story, and be blessed by the wonderful, amazing love of another family who took a child who was so.....broken.....into their lives.
Bible Journey: Genesis 20:1 - Gen 23:20
IOP shelling diaries | part two
1 day ago
That Absolutely made me SICK! This is the kind of thing I just can't understand. How women like her can be given children and how precious loving christian couple can not have one. I know God has a plan and this is a sinful, fallen earth but it is so hard for me to understand. I ache for every child who grows up like that. And that's probably just one story among thousands. I want every child to grow up in a clean,loving home.
That is just beyond heartbreaking. What an amazing family Dani has now, she truly was meant to be their daughter. The world definitely needs more foster and adoptive families like them.
I have read similar stories and it literally makes me angry. So I stop and pray. There are so many Danis out there, it's just too overwhelming otherwise.
Each of mine have taken turns sleeping with me this week.
I have no words for that story...I am so thankful to have my sweet little guys. It does really make my heart burn for adoption!! Someday, when God is ready I pray that he will use us to rescue a precious little one!
That is so sad! Thank God she now has loving parents in her life. I think that she would be way more "normal" if the state had stepped in with that first phone call of abuse. Hopefully she will continue to improve with her new family.
Stories like these just make me angry...very angry!!
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