Sophie-Bophie...11 Months

Joyful day. Precious moments.
Joyful day. Precious moments.
Posted by Flo and Grace at 12:05 PM 51 comments
Posted by Flo and Grace at 6:17 PM 2 comments
Posted by Flo and Grace at 7:05 PM 4 comments
You either are a repeat movie watcher or you aren't. As I've said before, my sister and I are polar opposites on many things. This is no exception. When I told her a while back that Boog and I have certain movies we watch over and over again, she had a certain dead-pan, you do whatttt? look seep over her. As if the thought of sitting there, watching the same movie you've already watched a hundred times was.....ludicrous. I find it quite..... lovely. : )
Posted by Flo and Grace at 6:18 PM 3 comments
Posted by Flo and Grace at 5:26 PM 3 comments
No funny title here, just a note on a really good day I had this weekend. It's fun to have all your cups filled in one day - your friend cup, your family cup, your hubby cup......that doesn't happen that often. Just ask Boog. When any one of those cups get low, I can get grouchy. I need friend time, I need family time (lots of it), and I need hubby/date time (at least every now and then!).
My friend cup: First Monday - Canton. We froze our patooties off, but we made the best of the four hour shopping experience. A couple of Christmas presents checked off our list....several more to go for me. Kim, I'll do Canton with you again anyday!
My hubby cup: Filled. Our last date was back around August, I think, so this was way overdue! We ate, saw "The Blind Side" (which I greatly recommend!), and got home at 2am. We realized our oldness as the movie was over, and both of our knees were aching from sitting there for two hours. Achy knees and all, I'm still glad to be doin' life with this man. He's good stuff.
On the Border....Better than I Remembered
Posted by Flo and Grace at 7:47 PM 4 comments
I giggle when I say that word. I know....immature. I think it's funny though. So I couldn't help but grab this photo opportunity when it arose (my hubs is gonna kill, he is really gonna kill me).
How could a bundle of fat cells ever be more cute? Only in a mother's/wife's eyes.....sigh.
It's been a while since I've blogged. It's been so bad that even my husband mentioned, "So when ya gonna blog again?" (I think it's the only time he really gets to see what's inside of that head of mine!). I could say the proverbial "We've been soooo busy" But I ain't gonna lie - we're no busier than usual. In fact, most of my days are very routine.....get home from work, play with kids, cook dinner, bath, bed for, then bed for me. Simple.
BUT. It has been a little stressed seeing how we're about to close and say adios to our shack in 17 days and close on our next hacienda in 20. Moving during Christmas is not appealing. But, looking forward to putting 2009 - the year of hairbrained, split-second decision making, moving 2 times, not knowing where we're gonna live, changing jobs, having a baby year - putting THAT behind me and onto 2010 seems sooooo appealing! I'm actually looking forward to New Year's for once!
(I do not like moving. I do not like moving. I do not like moving.
Note to self - repeat three times, wash, and rinse.)
One not so hairbrained item this year is my sweet Sophie turning 10 months a few days ago! 10 months....she only has two teeth, she sleeps 10-12 hours a night, and other than the fact that she hates her carseat and can't have her diaper changed without the use of all my limbs holding her down, she's a doll. Just a doll. We laugh at this poor baby constantly!
Love those eyes.... dirty face, but great eyes!
Posted by Flo and Grace at 6:11 PM 6 comments
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