Ladies. You've all been there. You're lyin' if you say you haven't (or you have Pantene lady hair.) I, do not have Pantene lady hair, therefore, when I decide to "grow my hair out" inevitably it gets about 3 inches past my shoulders and I end up wanting to cut it all off.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Very Serious Post
Posted by Flo and Grace at 8:38 PM 51 comments
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
8 Weeks With My Husband
That sentiment, mixes of serious and silly, pretty much describes this rare experience: spending 8 weeks with my husband....all day, every day. Just us..... well, us and our kids.
Not too many couples get to experience that much time together. Weekends here and there. Maybe a week long vacation. But 8 whole weeks? I was afraid at first. Week 1 was ominous. I would put a load of laundry in - he'd be there. He would type an email - I'd be there. I would read a magazine - he'd be there. He would throw his clothes on the bathroom floor - I'd be there (with a disapproving look, nontheless). We were always there. At that point, I told him one of us would need to get a summer job.
Week 2 was better. We got used to 'being there', and then realized some bonuses. I could run to the grocery store for butter without having to haul the 'lil gals along. He could wake up and go for a run/golf/bike ride without having to worry about missing too much family time....we'd be there when he got back! Things were perking up!
Week 3-8 was really a wash of us realizing that yes, we would make it and we still could make each other laugh, and we could get on each others' nerves, and we could cook breakfasts together, and we could argue, and we could watch movies, and we could sit in our rocking chairs on the porch, and we could.....still enjoy our marriage.
Tonight, I read to Grace about Rebekah. She's our 5th woman in the "Women of the Bible" book we've been going through. So far, I've talked to Grace about Eve, Sarah, Hagar, Lot's wife, and tonight's Rebekah was a perfect discussion. We talked about how God had chosen her to be Isaac's wife. How God did not make a mistake in His choice. How it was already written before she was born. That's it. I didn't talk about Jacob or Esau or any of her legacy, just the fact that God chose her to be Isaac's wife. Much like I was chosen for Boog (and vice versa).
Committment or "still in love" or whatever......I learned during this 8 weeks I need to cherish what God ordained for me. My marriage to Boog, even during the stinky times, is valuable. And what is valuable is worth investing our time and efforts.
I look forward to the next big 'chunk' of time we get to spend together!
Posted by Flo and Grace at 8:18 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Our Last Hurrah!!
With Boog's "back to work" looming in two days, we thought we should go for one last hurrah as a family. We opted for Dallas. It's quick. We're familiar with it. And we had a few places we wanted to try....1) the McKinney Avenue Trolley (MAT) which runs in uptown Dallas and is really a great way to get around 2) the Dallas World Acquarium and 3) a few good restaurants. (Oh, and we also had to stay at a hotel for Grace...I think that's the main thing she remembers from our trip. Room Service.)
I will say this. Vacation are a little more "work" than "vacay" these days. At 18 months, Sophie Monster entered Dallas with a boldness that hasn't been seen since Pamela Ewing. She had the food flyin' left and right at Babe's....(yum, yum!)

And it took a few pinches on her thigh to get her to act right at The Pancake House
(OH myyyy that stuff was good!)

Here's Grace, swingin' from the rafters.....
Our view from our favorite hotel, the The Warwick Melrose
Me, doing what I always do first, curlin' up in the bed!
At the Dallas World Acquarium (not cheap to visit, but worth it once)
Posted by Flo and Grace at 6:52 PM 4 comments
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Hawaiian Banana Nut Bread
We have alot of near black bananas at our house. I'm always buying bananas at the store because for some reason, they make me feel healthy. And when my kids eat them, I feel like I've done a good "mommy" deed. But, usually, one or two get old before we can eat naturally, I've made a lot of banana bread.
This recipe is my very favorite so far. The reason its called "Hawaiian", I believe, is from the one can of pineapples that you add. So don't think you're gonna have to hunt down papayas, mangoes, or coconuts at the local farmer's market. Dole's crushed pineapples work great!
The Mix
One to Eat, One to Give Away (my sweet neighbor, Peggy, was the recipient of this one!)
Recipe Courtesy of One of My Favorite *and most used* Cookbooks: The Aggie Hullabaloo II (Ags CAN cook, ya'll!)
Posted by Flo and Grace at 6:44 PM 4 comments
Labels: recipes
Thursday, July 22, 2010
My Favorite Things
It also doesn't help to have a lake dip after we get all hot and sweaty.
Summer. Gotta love it.
Posted by Flo and Grace at 8:07 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
18 Months
Just to remember a few things, at 18 months you:
Love to give us sugars, you sleep 12 hours a night plus an hour or two nap in the afternoon (yes!), you are still a picky eater (turkey, cheese, and carrots are a staple), you can name most parts of your body but get confused on "eyes" and "ears"....those are tough ones, you love to sing songs and some of your favorites are B-I-N-G-O and you'll say "EIEI-OOooo" real loud! You also love to read books....insatiably read books. So much so that sometimes I often have to lure you away from books with snack offerings. Your sister just enjoys your company so much......I know it won't stay that way too much longer. Oh, and your favorite words are "mine", "tank you", "peeeeeeeeezz!", and " 'side" short for "outside".
You are a doll. We love you!
Posted by Flo and Grace at 12:24 PM 5 comments
Friday, July 16, 2010
Lemonade! 25 cents!!
Launch Day
Posted by Flo and Grace at 5:56 AM 3 comments
Thursday, July 15, 2010
"Here's Your Once Chance, Fancy, Don't Let Me Down..."
I start this post with trepidation and fear.
There she is. My "newsd" car.
It took us three cities, umpteen car dealerships, and several phone calls of price negotation before we finally bit the bullet and went back where we first started. The dealership with great customer service and zero, absolutely zero talking dummies...I mean, salesmen. We had a number in mind. We didn't want to go over it. That number gave us a few options of used cars.....4-runners, Tahoes, Muranos, and the like.
But in the end, Miss Fancy's reliable reputation
That and the smell inside. She still smells new. I have no idea how - she's an '04.
What's the fear and trepidation bit?
Well. I still know about all the kids without socks in the world.
I also know that other people don't know this is a USED vehicle with plenty of miles on it. So other people will assume I bought a NEW vehicle wayyyyy out of my pay grade. I don't like those assumptions. They make me feel icky. And well, I also know I could've bought a lesser vehicle....saved a couple thousand...and done something else with that money. Like buy socks.
So after much laboring thought and bugging my husband with, "Are we suuuurree about this?" I reached peace with our decision to purchase Fancy. I think we got heck of a deal...probably the deal of decade at that dealership.
I hope to be driving this car 5 years from now.
So in the words of Reba, "Fancy, Don't Let Me Down..."
(in a non-prostitute your daughter way, of course.)
Posted by Flo and Grace at 11:53 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Art Camp II
This year, they studied paper mache. Now how in the world you do it, I have no clue. I know it involves newspaper, paint, some kind of weavy-looking cloth and glue. Grace tried to explain, but well, "we did a milk jug with some paint" doesn't cut it.
Here's her accomplishments this year!
Posted by Flo and Grace at 4:50 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 9, 2010
Car Shopping = Not Fun
We aren't buying new. I've only done that once, and although it was wonderful, my practical nature won't let me buy something that will depreciate thousands in one day. Also, unless it's a Kia, my teacher budget won't let me do that either! So used....or rather...."pre-owned" it is.
So as it is, we've shopped one day. I've gained two mouth ulcers. We've met GREAT salesmen (at a Lexus dealership, of course) and we've met super sleazy, gold-chain, tooth capped, hair implant salesmen (at a Ford dealership, of course). And until we DO this thing, it will continue to be a long, strenous drain on my brain!
Anyone have any good suggestions for an SUV?
Posted by Flo and Grace at 7:55 AM 7 comments
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Brain Surgeon, eh?
Just a little funny for this evening! ; ) Thanks Molly for sharing!
Posted by Flo and Grace at 7:14 PM 0 comments