I'm a BIG Dave Ramsey fan. Big. I believe in the basic principles he sells.....live debt free, live within your means, give back......."Live Like No One Else Today, So You Can Live Like No One Else Tomorrow". That's his mantra. Simple, right? ( Then why is it so hard to do sometimes? )
Well, we followed his baby steps and were able to get debt free after 3 years. We down-sized our home, traded in cars.....we did all the steps. So, now, completely debt free, we bought land and were ready to build.
Notice I said "were".
With a huge, deep inhale, we made the decision today to put a hold on building. Yes, I want a new home. Yes, I want to build on our property. Yes, I want to have my own touch on each square foot of a new house. But, no, we aren't ready. If we are to be true to ourselves, our beliefs, and how we handle this precious gift of 'debt-freedom', we needed to do the hard stuff now. Put away more in savings, be better prepared ......basically, take more time so we don't get ourselves in over our head.
So, with the inspiration from The Lettered Cottage, (this fabulous woman who has the best ideas on how to make something out of nothing), we are moving into one of our rent homes. It's teeny-tiny.....but hey, I can make anything work. We're going to sock money away in savings like there's no tomorrow, so we can be ready to build with peace of mind - if that is what we want to do.
Be prepared for a HGTV-like make-over of a 1,000 square foot cottage, courtesy of Goin'With the Flo blog! I need ideas for making this work!
Okay....I can exhale now!