Easter is when some of my most favorite hymns are sung......"He Lives"......"Crown Him With Many Crowns"....."Christ the Lord has Risen Today"...... Easter holds a lot of good memories of growing up and going to church with my grandma. Egg hunting around her home. Easter dresses.
Today I'm thankful. I truly believe that God knew my frustration level was on "HIGH". So last night, after getting home from church.......both girls were tired and in bed, asleep by 8:30. No one was home yet. It was just me. And I wasn't tired (wayyyy unusual.) So I finally got some quiet time to read and it was so refreshing. I hadn't been quiet in my mind or life in a long time!
I love Sophie and am so blessed to have her, but I'll be honest. Raising two is harder than I thought it would be! Not being able to help Grace as much because Sophie is in a more "needy" phase in her life is frustrating. Not being able to help out in church or go to the grocery store on a whim without having to cart around diaper bags, strollers, etc. is....well, not frustrating, but it's different! Adjusting, I guess. Grace and I were so mobile......it's not that way right now.
My sis helped me out with some wise words last night. I needed to hear someone tell me "It's Okay" to not be able to do all those things that I used to. That that phase in my life is on hold....and it will be back again. Just take care of lil'Soph and enjoy it.....
That was refreshing.
So I'm thankful for wise sisters. Thankful for great music and old hymns. Thankful for the health of my family. Thankful for Christ in my life.
Just thankful.
IOP shelling diaries | part two
1 day ago
It is a huge adjustment! Just wait until they start playing together...I have found that there are few things in life that sound sweeter than my two boys laughing together! I hear you on the quiet thing...I am in serious need of some time to just be still (if I still remember how to do that :).
Flo I think going from 1 to 2 children was harder than going from 2-3 and even from 3 to 5. One child has the luxury of having your undivided attention, but this too will pass and you soon will have two sisters that will be as close as you and Ang. and that relationship will be the strongest of their life and they will have the luxury of having eachother trust me they grow up TOo fast and you will miss this!! hang in there it gets better...you are great at everything you do and you are great at this too! Jodi
You are an awesome Mom, with two precious girls that exude your love. Know that it's o.k. to say out loud "this is hard". I promise, time goes in the blink of an eye...there will be plenty of time for quiet (sometimes too much quiet). If you ever need quiet time - send them my way. I'll love on them for a little while so that you can find the refreshment you deserve. (Don't forget - you are awesome)!
Awwww.....I'm tearing up. Shoot!
I've learned a lot about God's grace by realizing that I have to extend myself some grace, too.
And, yes, it IS hard! but we all survive....
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