Saturday, October 31, 2009

When the Chicken's Away, the Pox Will Play!

Photo Courtesy of Mark Sangenito

Yes....yes.....we've got the pox. The chicken pox, that is. Well, I don't have it, but poor Miss Sophie does. After 3 days of battling a fever, 2 doctor trips with me being FOR SURE she had the swine flu, low and behold, the bumps appeared today. Halloween. I was so excited to tote Miss Cutie around with her sister for her first ever Halloween bash.......instead, we toted at home. Grace, of course, is still tricking as we speak - courtesy of good'ole dad.

Speaking of the girls, I desperately need to give a friend, Mark Sangenito, a plug for a photo shoot he did with my girls a few weeks ago. It was his first "baby" photo session, and I think he did a great job! He was sweating by shot #3, so really, he should charge me for letting him come and work out. P90Xbaby-style!

I should photo-shop in red dots all over her body......

Monday, October 26, 2009

Work.....A Short Essay.

Work. Smirk. Turk. Girk.
If it weren't for these ladies....I think I'd go berserk.

God Bless My Fellow Teachers Who Keep Me Laughing.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Got a Little Recipe for Ya, Ags!

(If you don't know that line, then you don't authentically bleed maroon. I'm sorry.)

My Farmboy Hash

This picture doesn't do this dish justice because it was taken "pre-45 minute simmer". So it just looks fresh and crispy right now. But ohhhh about 45 minutes of simmering-beauty later, you've got a simple dinner to warm any good'ole cornfed boy's belly. Simple and easy.

Instructions: Get a BIG skillet (12 inches at least) and put in the following:

one small bag of baby carrots, the fat ones
4-5 small potatoes, unpeeled (yea!), chopped into 1 inch chunks
1 yellow onion, chopped into 1 inch chunks
1 lb. sausage (I use Eckridge because it's extra fatty & juicy)
1 head of cabbage, chopped, piled high on top of everything
salt/pepper to taste

THAT'S IT! Let that baby simmer on med/low for at least 45 minutes or until everything is smushy and cooked down. It tastes great with sweet cornbread mixed in with it when served.

I hope you are having a great Fall!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Oh No He Didn't.....

Oh the Things to Come!

I believe he did. A little boy asked my daughter for a date. Well, not really a date per say, but it did have the whole 'arm-hooking/walking side by side' thing going on.
In kindergarten, that's a date.

But a little boy did ask Grace to "escort" him during his peewee football homecoming ceremony. She'd known him since they were babies, so after much disapproving at first, I allowed this "escort-ship" to happen. Grace was excited, thinking she was "homemade queen" - her words. In fact, as we drove up and she saw the crowds in the stand, she said....."That's not enough people to watch me!". She isn't big on attention, can't you tell?
She did look pretty though. Pretty as a "homemade queen".

These past two months have been super busy for the Ferrell family. So much so, that I owe several people apologies for not getting done what I said I was going to get done, and I owe a special know who you apology for the likes of this one down below who purposely showed her ROTTEN side at a post-church lunch the other day. Keri, I hope your floors and Bri's room are okay - we left in a such a hurry because of ......


This is ALL I see of her these days...she's comin' and a goin' everywhichway!

Nine Months Old Tomorrow. Where did the time go?

Monday, October 5, 2009

The Good Stuff

So tonight....we just popped a frozen pizza in the oven (I made a salad to boot, so I did try to make it somewhat healthy), we're settling down into the night, enjoying the end of our 3-day weekend, we've visited family, gone to nieces' volleyball game.....all is good.

"I love you," says the hubs, as he leans in to kiss me on the cheek.
"Love y......"

Toot!.....goes the baby on the floor.
We laugh at the moment. And I, secretly, try to memorex those few seconds....a kiss spoiled by a 8 month old's innocent toot.....knowing that THAT stuff is the good stuff.

That little girl, above, messy.....nasty......drooly......trying to stuff fistfulls of those little airpuff thingys into her tiny mouth. She's the good stuff. And I can't forget big sister, who never fails to impress my with her sister skills. She's the good stuff. And how life is getting a little messy right now for in tight quarters (love the shack, babe, but it's tight!)....trying to figure out what's the "next move" for the Ferrell clan (to build, to buy, to wait.....oh my!)......

It's all good. I love it.

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