Saturday, October 31, 2009

When the Chicken's Away, the Pox Will Play!

Photo Courtesy of Mark Sangenito

Yes....yes.....we've got the pox. The chicken pox, that is. Well, I don't have it, but poor Miss Sophie does. After 3 days of battling a fever, 2 doctor trips with me being FOR SURE she had the swine flu, low and behold, the bumps appeared today. Halloween. I was so excited to tote Miss Cutie around with her sister for her first ever Halloween bash.......instead, we toted at home. Grace, of course, is still tricking as we speak - courtesy of good'ole dad.

Speaking of the girls, I desperately need to give a friend, Mark Sangenito, a plug for a photo shoot he did with my girls a few weeks ago. It was his first "baby" photo session, and I think he did a great job! He was sweating by shot #3, so really, he should charge me for letting him come and work out. P90Xbaby-style!

I should photo-shop in red dots all over her body......


The Settlemeyers said...

Poor Sophie. But you've got me thinking...Connor was sick this week and I'm thinking it was swine flu. But he started getting little red bumps all over. Hmmmm...

Stephanie said...

Poor little Sophie...hope she starts feeling better REAL SOON! The pictures were SO good Flo!!! Love the sisters together. : )

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