I took a much needed hiatus from blogging & painting & junkin' for the past couple days. Took it slow.....and this weekend a beloved pillar in our church passed away.....so it became very easy to take these days and count their blessings......I didn't have enough fingers.
I thought about my handsome husband. How just after two years of teaching, he was bestowed one of the biggest honors in teaching.....an award from a student as the teacher who made the biggest impact on him. Wow. Hearing that student speak nuances about my husband that I had only hoped kids would notice.......it was such a blessing to everyone. I thought about my girls. How at 2 and 7, they truly are the greatest joys of my life. Sophie....a firecracker. Speaking new bits of language each day that I never knew she knew (she actually said, "question mark" the other day....I had no idea she knew that word!). However, deep inside Sophie, she's proving to be more cautious than we thought......a little bit of a momma's girl.
Grace. A second grader in 4 days. She's reading chapter books like a champ....I'm searching to find books that she doesn't finish in one day....she's had a great year with lots of field trips.....nominated to be in GT.....and even though we're learning how to be an older sister without being "old"......she's doing a great job. They really are sweet to one another (most of the time!)
Monday, May 30, 2011
Posted by Flo and Grace at 8:01 PM 2 comments
Thursday, May 26, 2011
80's Bedroom Makeover
Do you remember those yellow bedroom sets from the 80's? Complete with the vanity that had the middle part that opened? I had one when I was growing up. And my sweet FIL went 'junkin' for me the other day and found a whole set: a four poster bed, nightstand, and vanity. It was in horrible condition.....left in storage I'm sure for years. But look at her now!
Posted by Flo and Grace at 6:34 PM 9 comments
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Chippy "Littles"
I'm always on the lookout for "littles" to fill my booth at Winnie & Tulula's. Pretty little items that people can see and say, "Oh, that would look great in my ____!"
Recently, I came across these four perfectly chippy pieces of miscellaneous wood at a yard sale. They were stuffed in a box....I'm sure someone had great plans for them, but never got around to it (sound familiar, anyone?)
I had a great idea for them. My sweet hubs did the manwork attaching the iron hooks, and voila! A sweet, authentically old addition to your bathroom, kitchen, or wherever! Love, love.
Posted by Flo and Grace at 8:37 PM 2 comments
Monday, May 23, 2011
What's this Drybrush Stuff?
Sometimes when I'm painting a piece, I step back and it's.....not to my liking. Here's my current project. One piece of a bedroom set for a princess-y girl (I imagine crystal chandys and twinkles) I started painting it Paris Grey.....and realized it needed "ooomph".
Enter the Drybrush. If you've never drybrushed before, I would say it's an easy way to add that "ooomph" without going overboard. You can layer colors, or just stick to one as I did. I layered Old White with a drybrush .....

Top AFTER Drybrushing

With the Pulls

I haven't waxed this yet (I'll finish the other pieces first, then 'wax on/wax off' in one fell swoop). However, I think it'll be grand ...in a smidgen-y way.

Posted by Flo and Grace at 9:00 PM 1 comments
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Fabric Fetish
This Mustard Yellow Kills Me! In a good way!

They'd look gorgeous painted, distressed and fabricated up in these......

Posted by Flo and Grace at 5:43 PM 5 comments
Friday, May 20, 2011
He Started It....
Several people have asked me recently, "So how did all this painting stuff come about?" I've been just an average mom/wife/teacher....doing life like normal. And now, I'm enjoying life with the addition of a wonderful little booth named after this blog. When asked that question - there's no clear answer. I've taken one painting workshop....refinished a couple pieces of my own furniture before I officially sold my first piece a few months ago to a stranger....and just in the last three weeks, I've sold all the large pieces I've ever done! Who'd a thought?
.....well, He did.
I've always been into art. I worked alongside my mom, painting ceramics...watching her create her own pieces. In highschool, I longed for a career in an art/design field. I went to UNT for one semester and majored in art....taking Design and Drawing courses....but none of that turned into much. I bowed out for a while.....fast forward to me wanting to teach. I first sought after an Art position - didn't get it. And now, I get it. Really.
It's wonderful how you can look back days, weeks, years into your life and see a carefully orchestrated plan. How what seemed like wrong turns at one point, were actually right turns. What seemed like barriers to entry, were actually doors being closed for a reason. God knew exactly how Flo would 'get her art groove on'. He's the ultimate artist....lending me His expertise for a short time.
Each piece sold at Winnie & Tulula's is thrilling. It's encouraging. It continues smashing away at those devilish doubts that make me think, "Give this up...You're no good." And your words of encouragement (you know who you are....) have been undeniably effective.
I'm just typing away on cloud nine tonight.......my booth is empty from furniture sales (gotta get to work, natch!).......my Uganda trip is fully funded now from donations, generosity, and God's little timing quirks ; )..........my hubs has raised over $900 through running that was going to go to my trip, but now will benefit & bless someone else's......and mostly, I am just thankful that God's allowing me to do all these things Through Him.
Posted by Flo and Grace at 6:06 PM 4 comments
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Picky, Picky
You know that cat in "Ramona & Beezus"? Pickypicky? That's me. I cannot stand clutter. Pretty clutter in my booth? Yes. Clutter in my home? No. See my above kitchen photo. It's been over 6 months since we remodeled....and you see - no curtains. No cool vintage-y countertop display thingamajig. I'm picky. It might take me a year to find that vintageycoolcountetropdisplaythingamajig.
But when I see it, I'll know.
So my sister-in-law dropped off one of her paintings to go in my booth. Well, it was supposed to go in my booth.....it "puppy-dog closed" itself into my home. Somehow found a way on my wall (I have no idea how!). And filled one of my "trying to find the right thing" spots on my wall.....it's been blank for a while.
I love it. Thank you, Molly from The Lead Cup. (Now I just gotta pay you! ; )
Posted by Flo and Grace at 7:02 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Playing with Wax

I must say, I feel confident using them on a "real" piece now. I'm thinking a gorgeous hutch .....gotta find one first.
Posted by Flo and Grace at 8:27 PM 3 comments
No work. Sleeping in. Uganda (got my passport, yea!)
So this summer, I'm tending to the neglected, unaffected, uninspired room.

On a final note, OMG. Have you visited the "Cottage of the Month" archives from
The Old Painted Cottage? Talk about inspiration. Love, love.....

Posted by Flo and Grace at 9:07 AM 2 comments
Monday, May 16, 2011
From Beast to Beauty
"There's nothing much to look at here. A few old metal storage files. Want 'em?"
Me: "Do wild bears live in the woods? ....Got anymore?"
Posted by Flo and Grace at 7:04 PM 10 comments
Labels: before and after
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Boy Dresser
I have two girls and to me, it's very easy to clothe girls, decorate for girls....basically anything I want to do there's "look". Shabby chic. Princess-y. Classic. Vintage. But boys? Oh man. I couldn't imagine.
I had this dresser with very modern lines. No frills, no swirly edges. So in my head I thought, "Let's try to 'boy it up'." Give those boy mommas a little distress, but keep it "manly". (I even got out the power tools to distress, gals!) I gotta say, I'm not sure if it worked. Here are the "after" pics. I'm not 100% in love with the finished product, and I'm so beyond posting only perfect pieces. This one? My verdict is still out.

Posted by Flo and Grace at 5:45 PM 3 comments
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Franc's Morning Junk
Sometimes when I'm junkin', I feel like "Franc" from the The Father of the Bride. He walks up for the first time to that gorgeous two-story, white house and says, "Ohhh.....I love the house, love the shutters, love the yard .......we'll change it all."
This morning, I got up early to hit some yard sales. The yard sales were a bust, but there were a few sales going on at some flea markets. I scored this metal cabinet and of course, "I'll change it all". I scored a chair and a medicine cabinet and of course, "I'll change it all".
Just call me "Franc".
Posted by Flo and Grace at 10:12 AM 1 comments