I've been dreading writing this post for about 2-3 weeks now. Boog can tell you, one of my favorite things to say is "Do what you say".......something I repeat alot and often times have gut wrenching guilt over if I happen to have "said" I'd do something and then didn't. I always have huge respect for those people whose word is solid as oak. They say it, and you know it will get done. I'd like to be one of those people one day...... (I'd also like world peace, black olives to be shot off the face of the earth, to eat a whole tier of white wedding cake all by myself, world hunger ended....you know, the basics.)
So here we go. "Do what you say..."
I'm adding a new function to this blog. It's going to become my biblical accountability partner.My blog has always been great at pressuring me to update, even if I have nothing noteworthy to say. So in the past few weeks, I've really been feeling the need to completely read through the Bible....Genesis to Revelation. Beginning to End. Alpha to the Omega. A through Z.....you get the point. I've started many times......but I tend to stop at Leviticus. I even had a "Bible in a Year" book, but that was a hilarious strikeout.
So I say this........(repeat "Do what you say...").......I will have a scripture log at the end of each post from here on out. It will have what I've read on my journey through the Bible and any thoughts on the subject. You do not have to read it (note, it is more for myself than for any readers of this blog) but.............and a big BUT............if you feel the need to do something similar, feel free to read along with me or let me know you are doing it, too, and maybe I can be a partner with you.
Letting bloggerworld know about this might just make me stick with it this time. And it'll make this little "blog" work just a wee bit harder for its paycheck. But mainly, I just want to do it because God's word is worth reading in its entirety...isn't it?
four things | tweny-two
16 hours ago
It definately is!
Sorry I missed tonight I totally forgot. The boys are out of town with their Mimi so Jim and I ran to Tyler.
Also I am so sore from doing those floors I think I am gonna take a break on it...haha. You don't realize the muscles you use until you wake up the next morning and can't move anything on your body. Even my hands are so sore! But it was worth it. Thanks for the kuddos on it!
What a great idea! I will definitely be reading. Does this mean a blog a day?
Thanks for the comment(7/17 post). I had all that bottled up for the last 5 years. This blogging has really helped.
That's great Flo.....I hope you keep it up....I think you will!! : )
And we do need to sit down with our calendars and figure out a few Aggie games to go to this year for sure. Not sure if S is old enough yet....hmmmm, we'll see!!! ; )
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