I recognized him the moment I saw him. It had been five years, but his face was the same. A flashback from my first year of teaching. An old student. One who had, I'd heard, moved away after that year in my class. I really hadn't thought of him since. He was much bigger now...he'd grown a few inches, had some facial hair, and lots of that awkward teen stuff going on....
He was in a crowd of students at my husband's bible class's youth rally at school. Big large band, lots of kids, noise, and on top of all that I was trying to make sure my Grace stayed in sight and my Sophie didn't eat every rock in the parking lot.
I had been having a rough day. I was thinking that teaching just wasn't worth it, too much TAKS, too little Sophie, too much red tape over the wrong things.....then.... a moment of clarity.
"Hey Mrs. Ferrell..."
"-------! Wow....I recognized you the moment I saw you! How've you been? Where've you been? Give me a hug!" (I'm not the one for uncomfortable silence as you can tell)
"I'm good. I've been in -------, with my dad. Things weren't so great there. So I came back."
"Who are you with now?" I asked
"My mom. Well, me and my two brothers and sister came back to visit her during Spring Break ...I'd only seen her twice all year....and I asked her if I could live with her. I wasn't doing so good there....I was failing all my classes."
"Were you getting into trouble there?" I asked.
He nodded.
"I'm not sure if I'm gonna make it here.....with my classes and all, " he continued.
"-----, yes you are......how's your relationship with your mom? Have ya'll reconnected?"
"It's hard. It's just me and my brothers. She said she didn't want my sister."
"It's all tough. I know . -----, I'm serious. If you need any help - any help at all- you come see me. Or my husband at the high school. We'll help you with your classes. Okay?"
He nods.
A quick hug, then off he goes. A boy in a troubled man's world.
That brief conversation stuck with me for the rest of the evening, and is still stuck there right now. I've been so selfish (no news flash there). God gave me this position to affect/help/change kids' lives. For whatever reason, I'm there. And my mission should be, everyday, to show those kids that someone loves them - no matter what. And someone will be there - no matter what.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
A Moment of Clarity
Posted by Flo and Grace at 6:23 PM 6 comments
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Who Put The Miracle Grow...
...on Sophie's hair?!?I snapped a few pictures today because as she was eating her dinner (hence the dirty face), I looked over and - wowzers - I realized Sophie's hair covered her ears. A few more months and I'll be able to braid the darn thing!
Posted by Flo and Grace at 7:16 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
The Chronicles of Sisterhood Part 1
Posted by Flo and Grace at 6:25 PM 3 comments
Monday, March 22, 2010
Pan"fried"cakes on a Snowy Morning
Men. So picky.
Overall....not a bad panfriedcake on a snowy morning. Makes me think of my favorite wintery story, Jack London's "To Build a Fire"......except I'm not about to die, and hopefully my matches would work, and I wouldn't kill my dog....okay, it doesn't remind me of that story at all.
Posted by Flo and Grace at 5:48 PM 1 comments
Saturday, March 20, 2010
14 Months Today

You keep us rolling......you "yell" at us whenever we try to put you in the carseat, you love to point your finger and say 'no,no', you still are a picky eater, you love to sleep, you can say the words daddy, momma, dog, woof, ba-ba, and just recently tried to say 'diaper' (yes, you did!), you could stay outside all day, you love to read books and use our fingers to point at things, you adore your big sister, and most importantly, you give the best, best, best hugs ever. I just love those hugs!
14 months has flown by. I'm not sure if you're our last child, but I definitely am trying to savor all these precious, fleeting baby moments.
We love you Sophie girl!
Posted by Flo and Grace at 11:53 AM 4 comments
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
"We Are So Granola!"
For instance, today was "Ferrell Fun Day". As shown in the last post, we've been working hard the past two days, so today - let the world be ours. We contemplated.....and contemplated...... a day at the zoo? Nah....... the Dallas World Aquarium? maybe......the Dallas museum? one day..... use our State Parks Pass and go hiking? YESSSSS.
I wasn't too excited at first. But after a while, seeing how much Grace and her cousin Ella enjoyed communing with the earth, and Boog, well, Boog's Boog. He'll commune with anything as long as it doesn't have the word wii or xbox in it (us granola'ers don't get along with fake golf).
So hike we did. Two miles of it. Boog had the hardest job - scootin' monster Sophie in her monster ride up monster hills. Me? I captured the moment of course!
Posted by Flo and Grace at 7:36 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Spring Break Give Us a Break!

Day 1 - all of the family partook in the cleaning out the garage. Boog (excited to have his workspace back) tattood the area with his collection of road signs, old corp outfit signs, and whatnot. That took aaalllll day. But it was worth it!
Day 2 - I used my slave..er, husband....and demanded he hang, hang, hang all the stuff that I've needed hung. That took aaallll day. He finished out Grace's room, and I was able to 90% finish Sophie's little room. I even got the window treatments up - and of course - I "mistreated" them Nester style!

Posted by Flo and Grace at 5:59 PM 5 comments
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Who's Afraid of Craigslist? Not me!

So we did it. After hearing about the many craigslist sales and purchases my hairdresser/friend had made, I decided to venture on it myself to see if I could find a deal. We'd been wanting a couch to put in our living room, but on our teacher budgets, paying Haverty furniture store prices just wasn't appealing. So I looked.....and looked....and scrolled...and scrolled....and clicked on about a million links to really bad couches until low and behold this one popped up just a short 10 minute drive from our house! A Broyhill beauty for cheap. One phone call later, one trip made by my husband and his bodyguard (his mom), and voila! A couch. For half of what we would have spent.
Probably more than half.
My own synopsis of Craigslist? Three short words.
Addictive. Scary. Convenient.
Posted by Flo and Grace at 6:32 PM 5 comments
Monday, March 8, 2010
No Phone Zone Pledge - I'm In!
After reading a friend of a friend's blog here (she lost her husband a couple months ago to a "driving while texting" offender) , that solidified it for me. I've been thinking a lot about Oprah's NO PHONE ZONE challenge.....she's asking everyone to sign an oath to neither talk nor text in the car.......and gosh, after reading that blog above, thinking about what I would do if that were me (figuring out how I would even begin to tell my two dear daughters how wonderful and amazing their daddy was).....I can't even fathom.
So I signed it. My car is a No Phone Zone. Sign here if you will, too.
Florence Ferrell
Posted by Flo and Grace at 10:38 AM 2 comments
Sunday, March 7, 2010

Meanwhile, on Ferrell Hill, our little Sophie Monster is living up to her name. She's proof positive that each child is different, each child is their own person, and this child....she's a toot already.
A fun toot though ....
My tooter-rooter
Posted by Flo and Grace at 6:13 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Channeling Pioneer Woman
(Hello? PW? You out there? If so, you might want to send me a thank you note. I'm about to give some raving reviews of your recipes....ok. No thank you note needed. Maybe a weekend stay at your ranch full of delicious, ranch cooked meals? That would be niiiicccce!)
A while back, I blogged that I would cook one "Pioneer Woman" recipe a week, if just to spice up my kitchen life a little bit. My culinary skills were beginning to dull. It's been a a few weeks, so I thought I'd update you on some hits and very few misses and (ta dah!) one recipe of my own! PW must be pretty inspiring, I guess!
In the words of my hubs:
"Best Meatloaf Ever" Period
I didn't get my own picture (they were gone too quick). After a few touches of our own (adding some mayo and Swiss Cheese), it was excellent.

Posted by Flo and Grace at 6:00 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
She's All Grow'd Up
We promised her it would feel just like a pinch. 1....2....3!
Through them she said, "Momma, it felt like a nail went through my ear!"
And to put icing on the ever-growing cake, we finally finished her "big girl" room. Well, almost finished. There's still a few final touches, pictures to be hung, etc., etc., but this is the gist of it. Looks way older than her last room. Notice her painting on the wall? It was the inspiration!
(BTW...This room will probably never look this neat again!)
Posted by Flo and Grace at 5:50 PM 7 comments