The induction fee to the Kidney Stone Club arrived in my mailbox the other day. I must say, I find it quite comical. This club must be fantastically bedazzled with 24 karat gold meeting rooms and diamond encrusted chairs because, well, just look.....
Yikes! One day in the hospital!

Meanwhile, on Ferrell Hill, our little Sophie Monster is living up to her name. She's proof positive that each child is different, each child is their own person, and this child....she's a toot already.
A fun toot though ....
My tooter-rooter
Yikes is right!!!
Oh! I just thought our ER bill was high!!
Don't even get me started on the cost of medical care! Cooper's 45 minute helicopter ride to Children's in Dallas was $17,000! Thankfully we have great insurance now and we only had to pay $25.
I'm picking up my jaw off the desk! Colton's hospital stay 3 years ago at ETMC Athens was more than my stay at Baylor when I delivered Rance, total! It's crazy.
The tile in your bathroom looks quite familiar. :)
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